Ealing council parking fines

16 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
I popped in the pub today and a guy I know asked me to fire up my laptop so tat he could pay a couple of parking "fines". The first PCN, he was bang to rights and paid up. The second one- he had taken his car off the driveway and parked over the driveway on the street so that he could put down the fold away ramp for his mum to get out of the front door in her wheel chair. The plastic parking warden hid behind a tee and then started printing the PCN even though he could see what was happening. I suggested that he contest the charge. I looked at the photos online and noticed that the photo of the property showed another car on the drive which would have made it impossible to put a ramp leading from the front door down to the drive. I suggested that any arbitrator would question how the ramp could have been laid out given that the other car would have blocked the route of the ramp. He looked at the photo and pointed out that the Civil Enforcement Officer decided to take a photograph of his neighbour's house.

I guess the CEO didn't want to take a photo of him and the ramp.

If anyone from Ealing council reads this, the CEO's number is 222.

I am all for penalising people that abuse the law but equally, I want people that intentionally fabricate evidence to be sacked.

Oh, and again, if any one from Ealing council in west London reads this (eg
Councillor Bassam Mahfouz), early this week one of your commission based environmental protection officers (employed by Kingdom, formerly known as Kingdom Security) told a smoker out side a pub that if they see ash fall from his cigarette they would issue him with a £150 fixed penalty notice.

End of rant... for now...
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Jeez! Abandon all hope!

I only posted his name because I was aware that the was, in part, responsible for facilitating the Kingdom contract. His ethnicity is not relevant.

I posted because I want search engines to record the fact that some councils employ people that take the pee.
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As long as the plastic ticket gestapo will be on commission, there will be cases like this.
Pardon me, they are not commissions anymore, they're called bonuses which are performance based.
You guessed it, the more tickets they issue, the more money they get in their bonus, but they claim they're not on commissions.
Cigarette ash?
Let me make it better: I remember one of these plastic judge Dredd was on the news a couple of years ago for trying to fine a woman who had dropped a fiver on the floor, yes a £5 banknote.
How could you not love them?
The guidelines suggest that the litter dropper be requested to pick up the offending item(s), only being charged if they refuse. But we all know that doesn't hapoen, boys and girls, don't we??
The guidelines suggest that the litter dropper be requested to pick up the offending item(s), only being charged if they refuse. But we all know that doesn't hapoen, boys and girls, don't we??
They're out there to make money, not waste time educating people.
But one could appeal on that basis.
You could indeed appeal on that basis.

Many years ago i was given 2 parking tickets by an ealing parking warden despite having a valid residents parking permit and being parked in a marked bay. The marked bay was out of alignment with the dropped kerb and the next one along, so i was parked between two dropped kerbs in but with one wheel on top of the bay markings. All the local residents parked that way when using that space and had done for years. I went away for a few days and when i came back i discovered two tickets on the car. I took photos, contacted the council and appealed, the appeal was rejected. I took it to the parking adjudicator, and the council dropped the charges 2 hours before i was due to state my case in front of the adjudicator.

All the while the tickets had been increasing in value for non payment. What started out as £80 of fines for the two tickets if i'd paid quickly ratcheted up to £640 by the time it had reached the parking adjudicator. At the time, £640 was a lot of money to me so it took some nerve to not give in and just pay.
The guidelines suggest that the litter dropper be requested to pick up the offending item(s), only being charged if they refuse. But we all know that doesn't hapoen, boys and girls, don't we??
johnny is a renowned bulls hitter.
the law is the law. stop whingeing.
break the law pay the fine.
So you don't think there are any extenuating circumstances?

Trying to get a wheelchair out of the house, no room so where else can you park?

Quite apart from the Enfarcement Occifer taking a pic of a different house and submitting it as evidence: that is fraud.
So you don't think there are any extenuating circumstances?

Trying to get a wheelchair out of the house, no room so where else can you park?

Quite apart from the Enfarcement Occifer taking a pic of a different house and submitting it as evidence: that is fraud.
that’s what a blue badge is for .
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