Email problem, crafty, zampa

Oh dear.
Glad it doesn't happen to me every day I would go bonkers (very impatient on those matters, I'm afraid).
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Well, it seems some problems are getting solved, I'm getting the normal DIY-not notifications again, only with a rahter long delay, last one in was send at 15.38, received it 10 minutes later (program checks every 5 minutes)
(First one of the latest batch received was send at 15.28 )
Could be that the main email server has been swamped with zillion spam mails, happened before.
wood you like, just sent another email as per your post (been away from pc for a short while, so only just seen it)

just as i sent it i got one from you
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Thanks Breezer, Zampa, crafty and Eddie
Problems have sorted themself out eventualy (gave up myself around 4 pm = local = footbal on tv ;))
Email provider doesn't know what happened, are looking into it and managed to loose my 'tickets' on their helpdesk site I wrote yesterday afternoon, are looking into that also ;)

Can finally send out my newsletter today, hurray