Future Tense

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
...while the oldest members of Generation Z are only in their mid-20s, the most senior millennials have now reached their early 40s. These generations have become a common enemy for the right. The feeling is mutual. According to new research and survey data, millennials are defying a supposed iron law of politics, that we shift to the right as we age. No other generation in recorded political history has retained such an entrenched rejection of rightwing politics as they’ve grown older.

On both sides of the Atlantic, the right fears a younger generation of economically insecure and socially progressive citizens. Commentators and politicians treat younger people as woke barbarians at the gates threatening to tear down everything conservatives hold dear. The moral panic over so-called “cancel culture” is a striking example of this: what it really boils down to is an attempt by millennials and zoomers to assert their progressive social values and reject the bigotries found among some older Britons and Americans. “Millennials are the silencing generation,” complains the rightwing Wall Street Journal, denouncing them as “perpetually offended” (what this perhaps really means is that younger people are less keen on demonising migrants or obsessing over the existence of trans people). “Millennials were woke enough … but the next generation is much worse,” cries the Telegraph, denouncing university students as “Stalinist foot-soldiers”. Younger people are more likely to defend the rights of the minorities bullied and harassed by rightwing politicians, and conservatives hate them for it.

In building and benefiting from an economic model that has left younger people bereft of a secure future, and repelling them with a “culture war” against progressive values, British and US conservatism seems to be authoring its own demise. Young people voted for Margaret Thatcher’s Tories in the 1980s, but little over a fifth of voted for the party in 2019. While young Americans flocked to support Reagan in the 1980s, today their political icons are Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The political right has treated the young as the enemy within. It may soon realise what bitter harvest it has reaped as oblivion awaits.

[email protected]
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So what your saying politicians have sold everyone out of all generations in their efforts to become a new world order thatonly a minority want.
Outcome no mainstream political parties to vote for just non discript parties banging a drum of each individuals flavour.
So what your saying politicians have sold everyone out of all generations in their efforts to become a new world order thatonly a minority want.
Outcome no mainstream political parties to vote for just non discript parties banging a drum of each individuals flavour.
I haven't posted any comment on the matter.
Read the article.
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An Owen Jones article bangs the same the drum, once you've read one youve read them all.
Just a left wing blog from a left wing news paper.

Did the Tories not get a landslide in the last election?
They did on the back of Brexit voters then sold them down the river.
An Owen Jones article bangs the same the drum, once you've read one youve read them all.
And right-wing news outlets, like GBNews, don't?
Your self-styled 'free-thinking' is a sham.
And right-wing news outlets, like GBNews, don't?
Your self-styled 'free-thinking' is a sham.
They all vie for viewers and listeners to pay their wages. We who help pay their wages take a mild interest to see what they can come up next to keep us interested.
Just a left wing blog from a left wing news paper.

I have a feeling that motorbiking is not a person who expects to spend his life paying rent, or working on zero-hours contracts.

Perhaps he grew up in a world where each generation could expect a life better, and longer, than their parents.

Perhaps he didn't work for ten years to find his wages bought less than when he started.

Maybe he thinks this article is from a left-wing paper.

"Let’s start with age effects, and the oldest rule in politics: people become more conservative with age. If millennials’ liberal inclinations are merely a result of this age effect, then at age 35 they too should be around five points less conservative than the national average, and can be relied upon to gradually become more conservative. In fact, they’re more like 15 points less conservative, and in both Britain and the US are by far the least conservative 35-year-olds in recorded history.

On to period effects. Could some force be pushing voters of all ages away from the right? In the UK there has certainly been an event. Support for the Tories plummeted across all ages during Liz Truss’s brief tenure, and has only partially rebounded. But a population-wide effect cannot completely explain millennials’ liberal exceptionalism, nor why we see the same pattern in the US without the same shock.

So the most likely explanation is a cohort effect — that millennials have developed different values to previous generations, shaped by experiences unique to them, and they do not feel conservatives share these.

This is borne out by US survey data showing that, having reached political maturity in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, millennials are tacking much further to the left on economics than previous generations did, favouring greater redistribution from rich to poor.

Similar patterns are evident in Britain, where millennials are more economically leftwing than Gen-Xers and boomers were at the same age, and Brexit has alienated a higher share of former Tory backers among this generation than any other. Even before Truss, two-thirds of millennials who had backed the Conservatives before the EU referendum were no longer planning to vote for the party again, and one in four said they now strongly disliked the Tories.

The data is clear that millennials are not simply going to age into conservatism. To reverse a cohort effect, you have to do something for that cohort. Home ownership continues to prove more elusive for millennials than for earlier generations at the same age in both countries. With houses increasingly difficult to afford, a good place to start would be to help more millennials get on to the housing ladder. Serious proposals for reforming two of the world’s most expensive childcare systems would be another.

UK millennials and their “Gen Z” younger cousins will probably cast more votes than boomers in the next general election. After years of being considered an electoral afterthought, their vote will soon be pivotal."
They all vie for viewers and listeners to pay their wages. We who help pay their wages take a mild interest to see what they can come up next to keep us interested.
You're fooling yourself, old Spode.
The Guardian accepts donations and doesn't hide behind a paywall like the R-inger rags.
You're fooling yourself, old Spode.
The Guardian accepts donations and doesn't hide behind a paywall like the R-inger rags.
Don't understand given you mentioned gb news.
Thought Reuters laid out what news they all can broadcast.
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