
Well, I've done it.

I've bought one.

Not been delivered yet though.

After all those months and years of research and deliberation.


Hey, secure...what did you go for.. thinking of upgrading myself but spoilt for choice,maybe I could use you knowledge in my purchase
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Hey, secure...what did you go for.. thinking of upgrading myself but spoilt for choice,maybe I could use you knowledge in my purchase

Don't go down that road,secure took a lifetime to make his mind up. :mrgreen:

I did indeed! It took years!!!!

But along the way I learnt quite a bit about many handsets.

Of course, one's choice all depends on one's circumstances,
as well as tastes. Some like one brand more than another, some love Apple, others don't, etc...

If I had had an unlimited budget and 20/20 vision, I would probably have gone for an HTC One.

However, on my limited budget and dodgy vision I went for a cheaper phone with a much larger screen: Galaxy Mega.

I did my homework by looking at literally hundreds of tariffs. I discovered that they varied wildly - even the same retailer sometimes would sell the SAME phone with the SAME carrier with the SAME allowance but the price would vary: sometimes by up to £200 over a 2 year contract!

I also discovered that the Mega was for some reason placed in the same monthly price bracket as much more expensive phones like the S4, even though the Mega was much cheaper to buy outright.

I worked out that, for example, for the same money that 3 would have sold me a Mega on the cheapest 24 month contract, I could buy one Galaxy Mega, put the same amount in a savings account for a replacement in two years time and still have £6.50 to put towards the monthly cost of calls. I don't use a huge amount, I am on PAYG, so I reckon £10 a month will suffice.

I bought my SIM-free UK Galaxy Mega for £276 from Amazon. CPW sell them for £440.
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Hey, secure...what did you go for.. thinking of upgrading myself but spoilt for choice,maybe I could use you knowledge in my purchase

Don't go down that road,secure took a lifetime to make his mind up. :mrgreen:

yeah i wouldnt either his is SO out of date its been superseded about 5 times now. :LOL: :LOL:

SS,welcome to the world of the nokia 3310. :LOL:
Nokia 3310?

Never heard of it.

I'm still using my hardwearing Motorola Flip Phone... ;)

The advantage of spending vast quantities of time with your nose stuck in the internet or tech mags is that you get to see the latest releases.

I did consider hanging on till next April for the Mega II..... ;)

thinking of upgrading myself but spoilt for choice,maybe I could use you knowledge in my purchase

Happy to help if I can. Ignore the others - they're just jealous... ;)

What have you got at the moment?
Brand and model.

What do you use your phone for?
Business and/or personal use: Email, net, films/ games, texting and of course yacking!

How much do you want to spend?

Do you want a contract or PAYG/ SIM free?
Should have gone for an S4. You know what they say
A problem shared is a problem halved.

A bit expensive and a bit small.

I was looking for a large screen at a small price.
In a post SS states that some love Apple, if not for an Apple we would still be living in the garden of Eden....
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