Good old Coutts

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2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Good old Nige.

Coutts has offered to reinstate Nigel Farage's personal and business bank accounts, the former Ukip politician has claimed.
Mr Farage said the new boss of Coutts had written to him to say he could keep the accounts.
Coutts and its parent company NatWest have been embroiled in a row with Mr Farage, which last week led to resignations at the top of both banks.
NatWest said it could not comment on individual customers.
Speaking on his GB News programme, Mr Farage said the interim chief executive of Coutts, Mohammad Kamal Syed, had made the offer to continue banking with them.
"He has written to me to say I can keep both my personal and my business accounts," Mr Farage said.
"And that's good and I thank him for it."

Mr Farage did not say whether he planned to accept the offer to stay with Coutts, which offers services exclusively to wealthy clients.
The former MEP is still on the war-path against Coutts - which he says decided to close his accounts because it did not like his political views.
Mr Farage has shared documents which show his political views were discussed by the bank, along with his financial situation, before it decided to close his accounts.
Mr Farage said he had suffered "enormous harm" from the controversy around his banking arrangements.
"It has taken up a huge amount of my time and it has cost me, so far, quite a lot of money in legal fees so I have today sent a legal litigation letter to Coutts where I want some full apologies, I want some compensation for my costs, but - more important than all of that - I want a face-to-face meeting with the bank's bosses.
"So the fight goes on."
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Is that 9-nil?

This is all likely to be part of the settlement.

its good when companies accept they made errors and take steps to correct them.
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perhaps with the financial settlement for the defamation, breach of contract, breach of data protection and breach of payment account regulations, he now meets the Financial criteria again.
Oh that would be poetic justice indeed. :ROFLMAO:
perhaps with the financial settlement for the defamation, breach of contract, breach of data protection and breach of payment account regulations, he now meets the Financial criteria again.
I'd agree with that.

Which would mean financial requirements were part of the reasonings for closing his account
Nobody was ignoring that part of the problem was that the bank opted to close certain accounts and facilities in order to tick the missing box. Additionally there was no confusion about the difference between the commercial criteria to open an account (which is published) and the commercial criteria to maintain one (which is more opaque). Many people have confessed to having Coutts accounts that do not meet the commercial criteria for opening one.
forrige is desperate to be relevant. He's failed badly throughout his political career.
forrige is desperate to be relevant. He's failed badly throughout his political career.
If it weren’t for him, we'd still be under the thumb of the EU. I’d say his political career was a success story!
Arise Sir Nigel, saviour of Britain. I'll knight him anyway, but there's zero chance of this in a country where the establishment only care about themselves.

Whatever you think of his views, he has more commitment and principles than the rest of the mainstream waste of space politicians combined. He definitely gets results too. Coutts goes on the scrapheap together with the EU and the tory party.

If Coutts weren't so far up their own arse they'd have known that he isn't someone you should muck with and defiitely not illegally bitch about.
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