Gove: Who needs experts? Or did he mean exports?

Filly, you must be wrong. It doesn’t follow Notches narrative.
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Cheaper lobsters for me. What’s not to like? So instead of empty shelves, we’re overstocked..

how can they be cheaper?

if shellfish companies are losing money why would they be lowering prices

Where did I say lobsters are now cheaper indefinitely? Trolls twisting to suit their view again.
There's bound to be a lot of product/price/market/demand/supply adjustment going to happen.

If lobster can't be exported, the home market can only consume a limited amount, hence short term over supply.
Once that over supply, unsold product has effects earlier in the chain of supply, suppliers will either change their skillset, or go out of business, thus the over supply will be reduced, market demand will pick up, prices will re-stabilise, etc.
There'll be some fluctuations for a while, each fluctuation becoming smaller until stability is achieved. But some livelihoods will be lost in the process.
London & home counties saw a 30% drop in pay and it took about 8 years to recover. That's not anecdotal. When I moved to Cornwall I could charge a significantly higher day rate than when I was just outside London because there was no competition here. Eventually wages were dragged down because the large building companies did bring in cheaper labour, since then it recovered but generally I'd say there was a ten year period of stagnation.

Fancy London seeing a 30% drop in wages after a global financial crash.
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So free market rabid loons are upset the free market is working.

Those arguing that immigration lead to wage stagnation at the lower end to dismiss austerity. Wages needed to be demanded by someone, when demand falls so does demand for workers fall resulting in an income and substitution effect - some people stop offering their labour and others offer it for less. You can have infinite supply but without demand there is no exchange of labour for capital.

So many plumbers with nobel laureates in economics.
G. Why am I a rabid loon?
Are you denying mass low skilled immigration has caused wage stagnation at the lower end of the market?
Try to debate without hurling uncalled for insults. If you can.

Wrong again
Someone on here is so desperate to agitate, they keep involving them selves in posts directed at others. Why don’t they create there own thread then people can decide whether to converse with them or not.
Or as someone puts it NOYB.
So free market rabid loons are upset the free market is working.

Those arguing that immigration lead to wage stagnation at the lower end to dismiss austerity. Wages needed to be demanded by someone, when demand falls so does demand for workers fall resulting in an income and substitution effect - some people stop offering their labour and others offer it for less. You can have infinite supply but without demand there is no exchange of labour for capital.

So many plumbers with nobel laureates in economics.
A fairer distribution of wealth would help.
Austerity sucks money out at the bottom of society, if there is billions less in circulation it effects everyone, less tax to be collected ect.
A fairer distribution of wealth would help.
Austerity sucks money out at the bottom of society, if there is billions less in circulation it effects everyone, less tax to be collected ect.
The rich give money to the Tory party to influence policy that ensures the wealthy keep their wealth.

So during the decade of Tory austerity, the top 1% increased their wealth dramatically.
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