H&S (Again!)

When I worked for an employer, after much negotiations it was agreed that the TU H&S reps would be in charge of all H&S including risk assessments.

It saved the company a fortune, the staff were involved in all decision making and H&S stopped being used as an excuse for everything.

The great thing was that if a H&S rep recommended something that resulted in an accident/near miss, they could not legally be held responsible in any way. Not that any decision we made caused an incident.

You can't beat TU H&S Reps, the workforce will always keep them in check. ;)
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At one place I worked, they had a woman who was head of H&S. She used to do a walkround evry Monday morning. We were working on a Kitchen Display rollout (400+ displays).
The company insisted on hi viz and safety boots. She wore a pair of court shoes (non safety) I asked her to stay out of our work area and she told me , she was allowed to wear what she wanted as she wasn't working. I pointed out that in her capacity as H&S officer, she was in fact working and should therefore lead by example. Come back when you have proper safety boots...
Half an hour later she's back with a pair of boots 2 sizes too big, insisting that every electrical item is PAT tested (they had been).
She walks up to a subby using a cordless drill and asked him if the drill had been PAT tested :rolleyes:
Came into my office and asked if my laptop had been PAT tested. I told her the power supply for it had been PAT tested,,, What about the laptop itself??. I told her to go back to the main office and insist that all their IT equipment was tested and to follow the man doing it and watch what he actually did to test them.
What a plank..... Someone told me later that she had been given her position because she was useless at everything else.
Came into my office and asked if my laptop had been PAT tested. I told her the power supply for it had been PAT tested,,, What about the laptop itself??. I told her to go back to the main office and insist that all their IT equipment was tested and to follow the man doing it and watch what he actually did to test them.
What a plank..... Someone told me later that she had been given her position because she was useless at everything else.
In that case, you should have corrected her, telling her that "it's not PAT, it's PAM testing" Would have got rid of her for a few days anyway while she wrote her report to hand onto senior managers regarding this safety test :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I was just hoping someone would have flash tested her computer then told her yep it's fine love. :D :D :D
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Many years ago when PAT was first coming to light a guy turned up at my sisters school, she was the secretary, and Pat tested everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! :eek:
Destroyed all the equipment in the computer room along with all the staff computers. As he worked past the end of the school day and only the janitor was with him it wasn't discovered till the following day. Took the school many weeks to get it sorted out and new PC's installed.
I have to agree with the truck drivers staying in the cab or in the safe area when the FLT's are operating..
I saw one of my colleagues have his ankle broken and all the flesh torn from the side of his foot when a FLT clipped him while he was helping unload a wagon ( he wasn't the driver of the delivery wagon.. )..
so from that respect I see the point..