Holiday in Turkey

25 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Hi all, me and the missus have booked a holiday in Turkey:cool: the last time I went was about 5 years ago. Whats the best currency to take? I took Euros last time but remember these being not the best currency as they preferred Sterling at the time.

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They still prefer either the euro or sterling, apparently they are still not keen on their own currency.
Take Euros or Sterling, but don't expect to get any change in these currencies. They'll give you a bucketful of Turkish Lira and fleece you right left and centre. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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They will accept pounds, euro, dollar etc but will always favour their own pocket when dishing out your change.

TL every time.
If you are going in August i hope you like it hot.

It's like a furnace at that time of the year. It never cools down at all in August, day or night. :eek:
we are going in july, and the travel agent has advised us we need a new £10 note per person for a holiday visa, paid on arrival at customes,
imagine how much cash britain would have if we charged everyone who comes in a tenner :eek:
we are going in july, and the travel agent has advised us we need a new £10 note per person for a holiday visa, paid on arrival at customes,
imagine how much cash britain would have if we charged everyone who comes in a tenner :eek:

You get fleeced in this country after you get out of the airport

Hotels, Taxis, Food, cinema, Shows, clubs,bars COST A FORTUNE compared to places like turkey and generally crap weather

and when you leave AIRPORT TAX :eek:
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