I see that fine upstanding, law abiding poor picked on British athlete has been found guilty.

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Why would she play the race card. Is there history?

This I believe is the only time this patriotic British runner has lied.

If she approves of fund rasing for people who can no longer earn a wage due to loosing their job. Then I think we should start a campaign for this innocent young lady.
Perhaps her disdain for the police, due to the prejudicial conduct displayed by them back in 2020, caused her to regard the police as an organisation intent on hounding her. So she refused to reply to their requests to name the driver of her car.

Another case of discrimination creating a divide in society, leading to further division and distrust.
In October, two police officers were sacked over a stop and search of Ms Williams and her partner, the Portuguese sprinter Ricardo Dos Santos, 29, after the officers were found to have lied about smelling cannabis coming from their car.
In October, Pc Johnny Clapham and Pc Sam Franks were accused of racially profiling the couple after they were handcuffed and searched outside their west London home while their three-month-old baby was in the car in July 2020.
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Why would she play the race card. Is there history?

This I believe is the only time this patriotic British runner has lied.

If she approves of fund rasing for people who can no longer earn a wage due to loosing their job. Then I think we should start a campaign for this innocent young lady.
On that occasion she and her Partner managed to show that the police that pulled her over in another incident lied about the stop. And yes they believe they were pulled over for driving a nice car while black and there's lots of history.

It appears she failed to fill in the required paperwork to state who was driving the car on this occasion. I don't believe she is complaining race is a factor in this offense is she?
She sounds like a shít driver to me.
Possibly. The other possibility is that she's been unfairly targetted for a) being black driving a fancy car, and b) causing two of the police's colleagues to be sacked.
I suggest she gets a decent dash cam, with good all round vision, and voice recording for inside and outside the car.
Then she might have good evidence to refute any future allegations.

Of course she might just be a crappy driver.There's loads of them around, in all sizes, shapes and shades.
Possibly. The other possibility is that she's been unfairly targetted for a) being black driving a fancy car, and b) causing two of the police's colleagues to be sacked.
I suggest she gets a decent dash cam, with good all round vision, and voice recording for inside and outside the car.
Then she might have good evidence to refute any future allegations.

Of course she might just be a crappy driver.There's loads of them around, in all sizes, shapes and shades.
I'm not sure speed cameras target black people
Made her drive badly.......
Perhaps she wasn't treated fairly in other issues.
Her 'offences' may have been excused or dismissed had she not been black, or perhaps by an attitude motivated by the conduct displayed to her by the police?
The report reveals that extremely high levels of distrust and discrimination are still felt deeply across Black British communities when it comes to systems such as health, education and criminal justice.
79% believe the police still use stop and search unfairly against Black people.
On that occasion she and her Partner managed to show that the police that pulled her over in another incident lied about the stop. And yes they believe they were pulled over for driving a nice car while black and there's lots of history.

It appears she failed to fill in the required paperwork to state who was driving the car on this occasion. I don't believe she is complaining race is a factor in this offense is she?
She's been very selective on the truth in trying to evade the points and the fines. I couldn't possibly say she's been lying but she seems to have been avoiding the truth.
"In fact, almost all (98%) of those surveyed (black people) said they have compromised self-expression and identity to fit into the workplace – by adapting speech or hairstyles, for example – with appearance and cultural background cited as factors influencing lack of promotion or development."

Haven't white people done this in one form or another?

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She's been very selective on the truth in trying to evade the points and the fines. I couldn't possibly say she's been lying but she seems to have been avoiding the truth.
She refused to disclose the driver. That's not being selective with the truth. That's refusing to abide by the rules.
In other spheres it might be called protecting your friends.
Thee's been many cases of court judgements to protect famous names from being named in various cases.
"In fact, almost all (98%) of those surveyed (black people) said they have compromised self-expression and identity to fit into the workplace – by adapting speech or hairstyles, for example – with appearance and cultural background cited as factors influencing lack of promotion or development."

Haven't white people dine this in one form or another?

If you want to discuss other issues in that report, I suggest you start a new thread.
Your comment is irrelevant to the topic in this thread.

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