Immersion heater not heating?

The tank will remain full, at least to the top outlet so connect a hose to the drain down cock and lead it outside to a drain or somewhere.
For jointing compound, I use motor trade stuff but Jet Blue is a popular one (of many.) I use PTFE as well.
It could be an idea to take the old element with you (but 11" does sound likely.)
I hope the thing winds out OK!
John :)
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There will be a LOT of water left in.

When you refill expect some rusty residue in your hot water for a while too with it being a steel tank. It'll settle to the bottom again eventually.
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I'm not having a lot of luck with removing the heater element - seems stuck!

The box spanner also does not have a tight / snug fit - any suggestions?

Would the flat one work better? I guess they're all the same size?

These diy spanners are just made from folded or light weight metal....I'm not surprised you are having bother, unfortunately.
Use the other spanner, but we weren't kidding about the stilsons!
John :)
A large set of Stilsons or a Plumbers Chain Wrench plenty of WD 40 and a few taps with an "ammer" on the handle of the wrench should move it !

I'm giving up.

What's the point of spending £30+ on a tool I'm only likely to use once (one with 85mm jaws?).

How much will a plumber cost to unscrew this thing?

A plumber with a set of Stilsons will have that out in no time.....if it was a copper tank there would be every chance it would be wrecked, but as its a steel one there's every chance that it will undo.
Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens all the time.
John :)
Average life of an Immersion Heater is about 4/5 years depending on use.
Rate to fit one about £ 80/100 if its straightforward. The Plumber will probably want to supply his own heater in case of call back, thats extra.

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