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In or out of the European union

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Himmy, I don't think compulsory verification was required until you came along.
It was and is a forum - really just like a chat in a pub.

If someone writes something you regard as wrong then just comment "I don't think that's correct" and give evidence if you want to - or not.
That will raise doubts in the minds of anyone reading both and if they are interested they can look it up.

If you merely disagree with someone's opinion then all you can do is disagree as it is their opinion right or wrong.

If you are that upset by written untruths, then I think it would be more beneficial to society if you crusaded against them (untruths) in newspapers; here - it doesn't really matter.
For someone who has been repeatedly saying that no-one knows what will happen. All of sudden you're happy and will argue for unsupportable assertions to be allowed.

You obviously cannot see the stupidity of that reply.

That I believe no one knows means, to me, that all the arguments are equally valid or invalid; I just don't know which. There are no facts.

I didn't say I was happy, nor did I argue for unsupportable assertions. I am trying to convey to you that that's the way life IS.
Have you ever spoken to a taxi driver? Was he right?

As no one knows what will happen, because it has never happened before, then you do not know that their unsupported assertions are wrong. They are only unsupported because the writers have not provided a link; obviously there are articles which would agree with them but what value would they be to you?
As valuable as yours to those who disagree.

That your assertions are supported by articles you have found does not make them right.
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Himmy, I don't think compulsory verification was required until you came along.
It was and is a forum - really just like a chat in a pub.

If someone writes something you regard as wrong then just comment "I don't think that's correct" and give evidence if you want to - or not.
That will raise doubts in the minds of anyone reading both and if they are interested they can look it up.

If you merely disagree with someone's opinion then all you can do is disagree as it is their opinion right or wrong.

If you are that upset by written untruths, then I think it would be more beneficial to society if you crusaded against them (untruths) in newspapers; here - it doesn't really matter.
For someone who has been repeatedly saying that no-one knows what will happen. All of sudden you're happy and will argue for unsupportable assertions to be allowed.

You obviously cannot see the stupidity of that reply.

That I believe no one knows means, to me, that all the arguments are equally valid or invalid; I just don't know which. There are no facts.
And you obviously cannot see the stupidity of arguing someone's case, despite not knowing the facts, or even whether there are any facts. This is despite the OP's lack of credible evidence ,and even their refusal to supply any credible evidence. Yet you still want to jump on the case, against my counter arguments?
Perhaps, like Blightymam, you're nursing a grievance?

I didn't say I was happy, nor did I argue for unsupportable assertions. I am trying to convey to you that that's the way life IS.
You feel you're qaulified to explain to me how life is?
And you have the audacity to accuse me of being sanctimonious? :rolleyes:

Have you ever spoken to a taxi driver? Was he right?
And you accuse me of divergence from the subject matter?
Take a look at yourself. :rolleyes:

As no one knows what will happen, because it has never happened before, then you do not know that their unsupported assertions are wrong.
FO was talking about supposed current and past situations. You have now misconstrued the argument to include the future.
And you accuse me of diverting the discussion? That's plain misconstruing the previous discussion.

They are only unsupported because the writers have not provided a link; obviously there are articles which would agree with them but what value would they be to you?
And they refuse to even try. Because there is no such evidence? You can't support a myth or lies. :rolleyes:

As valuable as yours to those who disagree.
I'm not trying to change your or the proponent's mind, only countering untruths, myths and misconceptions.

That your assertions are supported by articles you have found does not make them right.
But it does make them substantiated and supported by authentic, official, learned, wiser opinions than mine or yours.
That usually indicates that they are more probably right than not.
We count ourselves most fortunate that you know all the facts.. They don't seem to be changing anyone's mind though
Then why do you keep spouting your utter nonsense?
Right backatchya.
My 'nonsense' is counter argument, supported by much authentic and official evidence. Whereas FO's nonsense is unsupported myth and lies.

Why do you support FO's myth and lies, yet find a problem with counter argument substantiated by evidence?
Don't bother answering. The answer is obvious.
If I want to answer I will - but it's a shame you didn't listen to what I wrote on the other thread about having HAVING to put people right. It's not wanted, needed or your place to be a patronising soul. I wonder why people don't like you when you ram things down their throats while whining 'these are the facts' over and over again?
We count ourselves most fortunate that you know all the facts.. They don't seem to be changing anyone's mind though
Then why do you keep spouting your utter nonsense?
Right backatchya.
My 'nonsense' is counter argument, supported by much authentic and official evidence. Whereas FO's nonsense is unsupported myth and lies.

Why do you support FO's myth and lies, yet find a problem with counter argument substantiated by evidence?
Don't bother answering. The answer is obvious.
If I want to answer I will - but it's a shame you didn't listen to what I wrote on the other thread about having HAVING to put people right. It's not wanted, needed or your place to be a patronising soul. I wonder why people don't like you when you ram things down their throats while whining 'these are the facts' over and over again?
Rant finished?
There's nothing of any substance there, just a rant.
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Rant finished?
There's nothing of any substance there, just a rant.
YAY! Irony as well as insults. This is how you are every single post you put up, rant rant rant.

Is it because I have some points here that you feel cornered and are throwing your toys out the pram so not to address them?
Rant finished?
There's nothing of any substance there, just a rant.
YAY! Irony as well as insults. This is how you are every single post you put up, rant rant rant.

Is it because I have some points here that you feel cornered and are throwing your toys out the pram so not to address them?
List your points and if I think they're valid I'll address them. If I think they're just silly rants, I'll give my opinion of them.
That's allowed, is it not, without anyone trying to change my mind? :rolleyes:
I did make valid points. Sorry you're too thick.......................skinned to get it.
I did make valid points. Sorry you're too thick.......................skinned to get it.
So you've resorted to insults again, instead of reasoned discussion.:rolleyes:
They couldn't have been that valid or important then.
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I did make valid points. Sorry you're too thick.......................skinned to get it.
So you've resorted to insults again, instead of reasoned discussion.:rolleyes:
They couldn't have been that valid or important then.
It is impossible to have a reasoned discussion with you Himmy. It would be wonderful if you practiced what you are now preaching.
Supporting documentation

There you go. Of course it may not be true.
Not true! It's totally irrelevant!
It's an opinion you hold, for which there is no supporting evidence.
You're welcome to your opinion, although for someone who jumps in to argue another's case without knowing of the relevant facts, or even if there any, your opinion is pretty much useless and valueless.
I did make valid points. Sorry you're too thick.......................skinned to get it.
So you've resorted to insults again, instead of reasoned discussion.:rolleyes:
They couldn't have been that valid or important then.
It is impossible to have a reasoned discussion with you Himmy. It would be wonderful if you practiced what you are now preaching.
You say I don't answer your valid points, so i ask you to list them. You list three outrageous opinions, for which there can be no supporting evidence, to which i respond anyway. Then you say you can't be bothered to list your valid points. Then you have the audacity to accuse me of being incapable of a reasonable discussion.:rolleyes:

What am I now preaching?
Awwww, bless you - second guessing how I feel again. You're really bad at that!
Right backatya! :LOL::LOL:
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