In or out

In or out of the European union

  • Remain in the EU

  • Get out

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Try intelligent discussion. I find it works better.

(Edited out of respect for Himaggin's sensibilities)
See how easily misled you are. :LOL::LOL:
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That's how it works Himmy, it's a DIY forum, not a site to hit people with your 'facts'.
We've done this point over and over again.
Go back and revise if you've forgotten.
And another condescending and unhelpful post from you, something that you're so quick to tell others off for.
How many times must I say it before you understand?

I'm not trying to change your or the proponent's mind, only countering untruths, myths and misconceptions.

Himmy, I don't think compulsory verification was required until you came along.

Now let me think. What has the public been overwhelmingly been requesting during the run-up to this referendum?

Has it been for facts? Or has it been for unsupported, unsupportable allegations, assertions and innuendo?

I don't seem to remember.

Ahh, now I remember!. They want facts! They don't want unsupported, unsupportable allegations, assertions and innuendo!

What do you think they should have?
You and others like you that want to peddle myths and untruths might have an aversion to the facts.
I wonder why.:rolleyes:
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I can't help but think of this old clip!
Have you ever noticed? When someone like you makes another condescending and unhelpful post, Blightymam is nowhere to be seen!
And another condescending and unhelpful post from you, something that you're so quick to tell others off for.
However, when I tell her a point has been done to death, and if she's forgotten she should go back and revise rather than going over old ground, again, she interprets it as a condescending and unhelpful post.

You and others have the audacity to accuse me of struggling to understand context? :rolleyes:
You have the audacity to accuse me of mental issues? :rolleyes:

You and others have a problem.
Do you know what it is?

It's me, and people like me, who can destroy myths and untruths by providing counter-argument supported by evidence!

That's where your, and others', problem lies.
You find yourself unable to get away with peddling rubbish and misconceptions.
So you find yourself resorting to insults and childish innuendo.
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It's me, and people like me, who can destroy myths and untruths by providing counter-argument supported by evidence!
Do you believe in Roswell too? Conspiracy theories about 9/11? How about landing on the moon?
You will have to be much more specific and supply links and references, otherwise:

Do you believe in Roswell too?
Of course, I do you moron. It's just outside Atlanta so how could anyone not?
Conspiracy theories about 9/11?
Another pointless, idiotic question; nothing significant happened on any November 9th.
How about landing on the moon?
Something else only an imbecile would ask. It's clearly impossible as there are no stairs on the Moon.

It's a good job you all have me to help you in your learning otherwise you'd all be even thicker than you are.
Oh - and stop calling me names. I never do it. I'm a genius.

You will have to be much more specific and supply links and references, otherwise:

Of course, I do you moron. It's just outside Atlanta so how could anyone not?

Another pointless, idiotic question; nothing significant happened on any November 9th.

Something else only an imbecile would ask. It's clearly impossible as there are no stairs on the Moon.

It's a good job you all have me to help you in your learning otherwise you'd all be even thicker than you are.
Oh - and stop calling me names. I never do it. I'm a genius.

Imitation - flattery -greatest form is. Rearrange into correct order. :LOL::LOL:

You're continually losing the argument with me so you've invented a mythical me, with whom you've invented some imaginary arguments, to argue with. :LOL::LOL:
You'll probably lose those arguments as well. :LOL::LOL:
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You will have to be much more specific and supply links and references, otherwise:

Do you believe in Roswell too?
Of course, I do you moron. It's just outside Atlanta so how could anyone not?
Conspiracy theories about 9/11?
Another pointless, idiotic question; nothing significant happened on any November 9th.
How about landing on the moon?
Something else only an imbecile would ask. It's clearly impossible as there are no stairs on the Moon.

It's a good job you all have me to help you in your learning otherwise you'd all be even thicker than you are.
Oh - and stop calling me names. I never do it. I'm a genius.
It's uncanny!
It's uncanny!
And another condescending and unhelpful post from you, something that you're so quick to tell others off for.
Right backatchya.
Was I talking to you? Nope. Wait til you're spoken to.
It's a forum!
If you only want to address specific individuals use the 'pm' facility.
Do I have to teach you everything?
It's a forum!
Define 'forum'. Ah you did! Thanks.

Do I have to teach you everything?
This coming from the man who doesn't know how to find the source of an externally linked image...:whistle:
Give it a rest.
It's blatantly obvious that everyone, including me, is fed up of your persistent niggling.
It's a discussion forum, not a pi$$ing competition.
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