insanely busy!!!!

9 Apr 2010
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United Kingdom
I havn`t been very busy for the last few months so my old house is looking a lot better than it did at xmas but something very strange has happened in Luton where I live. in the last week I have signed up 6 extensions, all with decent margins and the chance to make some real money... I`m not complaining you understand... probably ore like bragging if I`m honest. so my question is, what has happened to make all of these people all want to spend their hard earned all together at the same time and on the back slide to the year end....?
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Well done matey.

There is never a trend, its just one of those weird things that people call up to go ahead all at the same time! :cool:
what has happened to make all of these people all want to spend their hard earned all together at the same time and on the back slide to the year end....?
The delay of VAT increase till January 11 :idea:
IMHO more the fact that the guessing who will govern is over, the tiredness of everybody hearing about doom and gloom and then discovering it hasn't really effected them at all.

We are booked full till the second part of August (we can take double bookings now, we turned from a 2 "men" band into a 3 "men" band this month - yeap, bragging ;))
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i should have added that none of these extensions are small, 3 of them are about the size of the existing property. its quite a change in the trend of recent history. so my advice is, guys... get onto the local planning portal and conact these recent planning approvals! all offered deposits, all offered to pay for materials up front, everybody has money! happy days.....
Our increase in jobs is not related to planning portals though (and are from small to big, from wood-engineered to Design Parquet patterns).

My advice: always keep your ear out, your marketing up to date and your prices good.
been our best year to, booked well into september and have been for a while, with more on the boil, also taken on another guy. Just keeping fingers crossed nothing spoils it!
I am quieter than this time last year and glad for it to be honest.

This time last year I was quadruple booked, (now i am double booked). Getting in late- getting it in the next from her indoors, telling customers that i would be with them next week (maybe). It might go t!ts up tomorrow but if things stay as they are then I am happy.

The start of the year was the quietest I have known but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to work flow.

My client base is the £80000+, not the uber "we want you to enter via the trade entrance". For along time i thought I was safe as many of them are consultants etc. I guess however they are less secure than they used to be.

My core is decorating- specialising in cabinet painting. I also provide IT support, to home users, which i enjoy as a side-line and pays more, just wouldn't want to do it full time.

I think that those of us with a solid client base of our own are in a more fortunate position. That is not to say that there are not good tradesmen having a tuff time but it does mean that there are probably fewer fly-by-night characters out there. I guess that my low overheads help a hell of a lot, no long term rents to worryabout when thumb twiddling.

That said, I had considered being proactive and phoning customers but the work started falling in my lap again so I will go with the flow.
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