It’s all your fault if you are a man

Try to remember that tranny is a troll, and that what he writes is intended to cause offence.

There is no reason to suppose that anything he writes is true.

dont judge every one by yer own standards :LOL:

and as a general point never trust any thing a political party member says ;);) most if not all are porky piers ?

and fair weather friends (Corbyn ;))

and never trust any one who tries to hack into private files ;);) those in the CC know what I mean if you dont ask me in there and we will give you the full run down on the event
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I can't imagine a scenario where someone who claimed to be politically moderate could openly campaign for a 6PM curfew of black, muslim, jews etc.. because a person in that group committed a heinous crime. Can you?
Not ever.
Trolls usually change their names often - probably due to being banned. How many times have you changed your name - or been banned?
It would appear that many have been banned.
Looking back on the typical comments of those usernames, I think I can safely assume they were banned for confronting racism.
Do you think it's right and proper that posters are banned for confronting racism, especially when the usual perpetrators of racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, etc are allowed to continue?
If your allegation is true, do you think that confronting racism should or would stop by banning them.

Also, confronting racism is totally different to trolling. One is morally justified, the other isn't.
Unless you consider that confronting racism is trolling, then I suggest your moral compass is adrift.
My perception is that it is you that keeps applying these labels, and it is you that 'calls out' what you perceive to be these traits.

Others do it too, but not as frequently, quickly or tenuously.
My calling out is limited to those persistent offenders.
If I do it every time they offend, well I'm being as consistent as they are. :rolleyes:
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The hypocrisy.

When a group gets targeted and blamed for the actions of a few it's fair game but not when "Men" become the targteed group. It's wrong that the actions of a few get to be blamed on the collective but then that would requre a full rethink and acceptance of the hypocrisy so might as well continue with the cognitive dissonance.

I did, and i noted your comments about hypocrisy. But i wasn't clear whether you thought it was acceptable to blame the collective for the actions of a few or whether you were arguing the opposite.

It's hypocritical saying as men we are being targeted collectively but yet when some other group is similarly targeted collectively they either participate or justify it.

I can't imagine a scenario where someone who claimed to be politically moderate could openly campaign for a 6PM curfew of black, muslim, jews etc.. because a person in that group committed a heinous crime. Can you?
It seems to me that you're all saying the same thing, i.e.
It's not fair to blame the collective for the actions of a few.
What Galahad is saying is that when it's not your group that is being targeted, you fall in with the 'blame the collective, not the individuals'.
Now that 'men' are being targeted, you have changed your stance to 'blame the individuals'.
It seems to me that you're all saying the same thing, i.e.
It's not fair to blame the collective for the actions of a few.
What Galahad is saying is that when it's not your group that is being targeted, you fall in with the 'blame the collective, not the individuals'.
Now that 'men' are being targeted, you have changed your stance to 'blame the individuals'.

Can you show were someone blamed all black people of all Muslims for anything
Can you show were someone blamed all black people of all Muslims for anything
You mean something like transam's "nuke Iran" comment?
Or durhamplumber's blame Romany Gypsies for the sins of the North?
Or woody's "balme the immigrants"?
Or ReganandCarter's........ hang on I'll go and find something. I shouldn't be long...... :whistle:
You mean something like transam's "nuke Iran" comment?
Or durhamplumber's blame Romany Gypsies for the sins of the North?
Or ReganandCarter's........ hang on I'll go and something. I shouldn't be long...... :whistle:
Show me all of them
Show me all of them
Do a search, Here's the first result. I suspect that most have been deleted because there's only two left in the search facility.
I can't imagine a scenario where someone who claimed to be politically moderate could openly campaign for a 6PM curfew of black, muslim, jews etc.. because a person in that group committed a heinous crime. Can you?

I can't imagine someone being upset because they are part of a group being blamed for the actions of a few not seeing the hypocrisy when they blame the collective for the actions of a few in other cases. :rolleyes:
What about Lal and her open hatred of anyone over the age of 50, Northeners , anyone getting furlough money, benefit claimers and anyone that voted for Brexit. Oh, sorry, they’re not races are they? That’s alright then. :whistle:
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