Jack Monroe to sue MP Lee Anderson

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
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'Making a fortune from the poor'...that's the Tory mantra right there. Jack Monroe showed that other right wing troll the door too. Good luck to her if the accuser is wrong and libellous.
Suing people who upset you is so soppy and American; it's like the child that runs to the teacher every 5 minutes. It's also a waste of court time.

The leftie weirdo should be ashamed!
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It's not a waste of time if it stops people being R Soles.
Indeed, how dare people use the law to hold the rich and powerful to account.
Suing people who upset you is so soppy and American
You seem to have confused frivolous cases with those with merit. Hopkins for example is an outright liar and was begging to be taken to court. She was even given a chance to retract and apologise be she CHOSE the court option. It looks like the other chap is choosing the same path. The courts serve the public and have heard libel cases since they were invented.

The leftie weirdo should be ashamed!
Why should she?
Suing people who upset you is so soppy and American; it's like the child that runs to the teacher every 5 minutes. It's also a waste of court time

Jack Monroe is not upset, it’s political….there will be plenty of negative press against a Tory MP.

and Lee Anderson only has a majority of 5,700
Amusingly Lee Anderson used to be a Labour councillor….but like Boris on Brexit, he switched sides.
This is a perfect example of the left wing vs right wing view of the world.

The left wing want to give the starving man a fish. The right wing want to give the starving man a fishing rod and teach him how to use it.

However, then it descends into a slagging match as the left accuse the right of being out of touch and mean spirited by not just giving the man a fish straight away.

Having read what Lee Anderson has read and listened to his speech in parliament, I don't think he's mean spirited. Quite the opposite, he's trying to find a way to help people to help themselves.

I think he's got a good point. When i look at the staff on my shop floor, the ones who are pleading poverty and using foodbanks are the ones buying filled cobs and hot pastries from the van that comes round each day and ordering deliveroo MacDonalds. They're not the ones who are bringing their own sandwiches or heating up food they they cooked the night before.

There's a lot of be said for teaching people how to budget and cook for themselves.
This is a perfect example of the left wing vs right wing view of the world.

You mean he didn't accuse her of making a fortune from the poor?

Taking money off them?

"She’s taking money off some of the most vulnerable people in society and making an absolute fortune on [sic] the back of people.”
You mean he didn't accuse her of making a fortune from the poor?

Taking money off them?

"She’s taking money off some of the most vulnerable people in society and making an absolute fortune on [sic] the back of people.”
I have no idea whether she's making a fortune or not, but she's making her living selling books to the most needy.
I have no idea whether she's making a fortune or not

So you have no idea if the statement is libellous.

But it's not "left versus right," is it?

And it has nothing to do with fishing.

she's making her living selling books to the most needy.

I don't believe you have any evidence of the book-buying habits of the poor.
So you have no idea if the statement is libellous.

But it's not "left versus right," is it?
I have no idea, and my post wasn't specifically related to whether she's making a libel case against Lee Anderson. It was intended to be more a general view of the differences in how the left and the right view helping people, using this case as an example.
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