Jack Monroe to sue MP Lee Anderson

Or definitely not...

When it was pointed out by you to Ms Monroe that you had
made a mistake you decided not to take action but instead
aggravated the position by tweeting (at 9:47pm)…”
Jack Monroe was happy with an apology and retraction by Hopkins
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@noseall - I agree on her character, but no I think this was a case of handbags at dawn. A mistake was made, names called (which in itself is not defamatory), stakes raised and likely two strong willed women who don't find apologising easy, found it hard to back down.

I don't recall JM ever apologising for any of her toxic, obnoxious tweets which have been in bad taste and possible defamatory.

@Notch7 and a donation to a charity that Hopkins would never support.
I think you may have misread -I didnt suggest it was the only cause.

have a look at the impact of the additional brexit red tape:
sanitary and phytosanitary controls
customs declaration
transit documents

here is a simple example:
a fruit and vegetable wholesaler buys mushrooms from Poland 3 times a week

he has to use a customs agent now to sort out all the documentation
and because of the customs checks it takes an extra 24 hours in transit -that reduces the freshness of the mushrooms and increases wastage

hauliers have ramped up prices for the journey across the Calais Dover route because the delays cost a fortune, not to mention long delays means fresh goods go off faster

did you know as an EU member the UK had fully integrated supply chains across Europe, any British business could import seamlessly
and now there are massive problems with non tariff barriers

I accept that it costs more to do the documentation to get stuff across the channel. It now cost me £50 more per 40ft trailer. That's a relatively small amount compared to the cost of the goods being shipped.

However, the cost of moving that trailer has more than doubled. Nothing to do with customs declarations and red tape and all to do with a dramatic increase in fuel prices. I would argue that fuel prices have had a much bigger impact that Brexit in inflation.

Just look at milk prices. Most our milk is sourced from the UK, yet its gone up by 15% in the last year. That was not affected by Brexit but entirely affected by fuel prices.
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I accept that it costs more to do the documentation to get stuff across the channel. It now cost me £50 more per 40ft trailer. That's a relatively small amount compared to the cost of the goods being shipped.
I bet you Brexers can't wait till checks on goods are actually implemented instead of delayed.

Brexit - utter pile of poo and its only going to get worse.
Lets see,

Jack Monroe wrote to all the major supermarkets and campaigned to get them to reintroduce value brand ranges blah blah blah
JM and LA were both giving the same message i.e. live within your means, which is about as sensible as you can get and is timeless advice. However because LA is a tory he gets tory-bashed whatever he says.
Not this again.. Did brexit cause high inflation in America as well?
Apparently America has printed more money in the past couple of years than in the previous two centuries..
How has Brexit alone made food more expensive?........

......Brexit may be a contributor, but it is not the overriding factor.
Everything is now more expensive because the government inflated the money supply by printing £400 billion of funny money for covid. Rising prices do not cause inflation; inflation causes rising prices. Our government hates us, when will people wake up to this? They need dragging out by their feet and thrown in the Thames.
Everything is now more expensive because the government inflated the money supply by printing £400 billion of funny money for covid.

You don't know what Money Supply is.
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