Jimmy Saville

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Strange that people aren't coming to his defence in droves. Well apart from a nephew and some weirdos on internet bulletin boards. With all his good deeds you'd think he would have some friends, doesn't seem to be the case, wonder why?
You mean add to the publicity the programme makers crave??
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Gary Glitter and Jimmy Saville were at the top of the tree in the entertainment business and were attractive to young girls, Saville got away with it for so long due to the fact that paedophilia was not as prominant as in this day and age.
Considering the money and cars Saville had he lived in a scruffy flat just near me when he was running a saturday show, it was common knowledge what he was up to and questions were raised but never taken up probably due to the charity work he did, Saville was never seen with any arm candy only young star struck teenage girls on the arm he was a nasty bleeder and only had his eye on his own personal image to further his ambitions and he never acknowledged the kids he had out of wedlock. And like a previous poster said, where are the droves of people to his defence, no show biz people cos they knew what he was like?
Gary Glitter and Jimmy Saville were at the top of the tree in the entertainment business and were attractive to young girls, Saville got away with it for so long due to the fact that paedophilia was not as prominant as in this day and age.
Considering the money and cars Saville had he lived in a scruffy flat just near me when he was running a saturday show, it was common knowledge what he was up to and questions were raised but never taken up probably due to the charity work he did, Saville was never seen with any arm candy only young star struck teenage girls on the arm he was a nasty bleeder and only had his eye on his own personal image to further his ambitions and he never acknowledged the kids he had out of wedlock. And like a previous poster said, where are the droves of people to his defence, no show biz people cos they knew what he was like?
You've missed your calling fella.
You should be a Judge!!

One question for you though. If you're so sure of your 'facts', why didn't you step forward and bring your allegations/concerns/gossip to the attention of the authorities?
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It's called investigative journalism. Why do you support this weirdo anyway? What's in it for you?
According to the papers today, lots of people knew. There were even witnesses that turned a blind eye.

What's in it for you?

Typical. You would only do something if there was a benefit to you, but that does not mean everyone else is the same... :rolleyes:
Without going through the entire thread...

I do think it’s important to find out if he was an abuser after his death because, in the same way Thomas Jefferson was eventually found out to be a complete and utter liar through DNA, it changes the way they are seen in a historical context.

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely to be so ‘black and white’ in this case. (Pardon the pun).
Gary Glitter and Jimmy Saville were at the top of the tree in the entertainment business and were attractive to young girls, Saville got away with it for so long due to the fact that paedophilia was not as prominant as in this day and age.
Considering the money and cars Saville had he lived in a scruffy flat just near me when he was running a saturday show, it was common knowledge what he was up to and questions were raised but never taken up probably due to the charity work he did, Saville was never seen with any arm candy only young star struck teenage girls on the arm he was a nasty bleeder and only had his eye on his own personal image to further his ambitions and he never acknowledged the kids he had out of wedlock. And like a previous poster said, where are the droves of people to his defence, no show biz people cos they knew what he was like?
You've missed your calling fella.
Do you think they would have taken any notice of an ordinary Joe like me? Its up to the victim to alert the police etc, they have the evidence I didn't, but all the locals had their suspicions.
You should be a Judge!!

One question for you though. If you're so sure of your 'facts', why didn't you step forward and bring your allegations/concerns/gossip to the attention of the authorities?
Speaking as one who has just gone through a “Bullying and Harassment” case at work, which took two years before ending in a big fat nothing, I can see exactly why people wouldn’t speak out or be very reluctant!!!

We don’t, (you can’t), go through life with a video camera or audio recorder 24/7 to catch smoking gun scenarios against someone!

Even if you do get ‘something’ it’s not as easy as you may think to present evidence which was effectively taken without consent. My case was, or should have been, cast iron with testimonies from witnesses and email accounts etc.

So please, before anyone begins stating how they would have done this or you should have reported that – my guess is you’re probably talking from inexperience on these matters. That's not to say you should do nothing; I'm just telling you the reality of what is most likely to be a major uphill battle...
Paul Gambaccinni has had some bad words to say about him now as well.
Add that to what Esther Rantzen said and it seems to have been pretty common knowledge in those circles as to what he was like.
I didn't think much of him when he was alive, I could never understand what he did to become such an icon. No real talent, not much personality and wasn't funny. Now, from what's been leaked out of the tv programme and from what's been said by others, I believe that he was also a predatory abuser, as well as being a total p*ick.
People may say it's easy to cast aspersions when he's not around to defend himself. Tough, all I can say is it's a shame these things didn't come to light 30 years ago when he could have stood trial and been disgraced. It's obvious why they didn't if it was such common knowledge, some people should be ashamed of themselves for turning a blind eye.
Speaking as one who has just gone through a “Bullying and Harassment” case at work, which took two years before ending in a big fat nothing, I can see exactly why people wouldn’t speak out or be very reluctant!!!

We don’t, (you can’t), go through life with a video camera or audio recorder 24/7 to catch smoking gun scenarios against someone!

Even if you do get ‘something’ it’s not as easy as you may think to present evidence which was effectively taken without consent. My case was, or should have been, cast iron with testimonies from witnesses and email accounts etc.

So please, before anyone begins stating how they would have done this or you should have reported that – my guess is you’re probably talking from inexperience on these matters. That's not to say you should do nothing; I'm just telling you the reality of what is most likely to be a major uphill battle...
So, in other words, we all sit back and do nothing.
For your information, we, as parents, have just gone through the various processes regarding serious offences occasioned against one of our daughters.
My gut reaction was to introduce the culprit to my mate billy the bat - and also the teacher who tried to cover it up!
Common sense dictated though that the proper channels were used.
That does not however mean there is not a dead man walking in Shipley West Yorkshire.

The issue i have is with this so called expert. Sod all you can do with Saville, whatever he did or did not do. The question is why he hasn't hounded those who now claim to have known what they say he is guilty of.
They, if true, covered up for him and that makes them guilty too!
No matter how they try and claim otherwise. Shame on them.
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