Jo Johnson (Boris brother) quits in protest of May Brexit Plan

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

“It has become increasingly clear to me that the withdrawal agreement, which is being finalised in Brussels and Whitehall even as I write, will be a terrible mistake,” he said in an online article.

“To present the nation with a choice between two deeply unattractive outcomes, vassalage and chaos, is a failure of British statecraft on a scale unseen since the Suez crisis.”

He added: “On this most crucial of questions, I believe it is entirely right to go back to the people and ask them to confirm their decision to leave the EU and, if they choose to do that, to give them the final say on whether we leave with the prime minister’s deal or without it.

“My brother Boris, who led the leave campaign, is as unhappy with the government’s proposals as I am. Indeed he recently observed that the proposed arrangements were ‘substantially worse than staying in the EU’. On that he is unquestionably right,” he said.

Just end this madness of brexit and the boost to the economy will make another Tory election victory a certainty - I would vote Tory even though I disagree with many of their policies if they end Brexit.
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“My brother Boris, who led the leave campaign, is as unhappy with the government’s proposals as I am. Indeed he recently observed that the proposed arrangements were ‘substantially worse than staying in the EU’. On that he is unquestionably right,” he said.

What a pity Buffoon and the Quitters didn't spend the last two and a half years working out a proposal and plan for a successful Leave agreement, if such a thing exists.

It would have been even better if they'd had a sensible proposal before the referendum. Then people could have voted on it instead of voting on fantasy.
Is this another Johnson positioning himself for future PM?

“It has become increasingly clear to me that the withdrawal agreement, which is being finalised in Brussels and Whitehall even as I write, will be a terrible mistake,” he said in an online article.

“To present the nation with a choice between two deeply unattractive outcomes, vassalage and chaos, is a failure of British statecraft on a scale unseen since the Suez crisis.”

He added: “On this most crucial of questions, I believe it is entirely right to go back to the people and ask them to confirm their decision to leave the EU and, if they choose to do that, to give them the final say on whether we leave with the prime minister’s deal or without it.

“My brother Boris, who led the leave campaign, is as unhappy with the government’s proposals as I am. Indeed he recently observed that the proposed arrangements were ‘substantially worse than staying in the EU’. On that he is unquestionably right,” he said.

Just end this madness of brexit and the boost to the economy will make another Tory election victory a certainty - I would vote Tory even though I disagree with many of their policies if they end Brexit.
Brexit will not be stopped,even if you moaners get ref 2
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Just end this madness of brexit and the boost to the economy will make another Tory election victory a certainty - I would vote Tory even though I disagree with many of their policies if they end Brexit.
Not sure that it would make 'another Tory election victory a certainty'...

However as tasteless as it would be (but given that Brexit is the biggest disaster to hit this country since WWII), tactical voting might have to come into play.

A deal with the devil could be required!
Not sure that it would make 'another Tory election victory a certainty'...

However as tasteless as it would be (but given that Brexit is the biggest disaster to hit this country since WWII), tactical voting might have to come into play.

A deal with the devil could be required!
Brexit will happen
Brexit will happen
However to date not a single quitter has ever told us what Brexit is...

'Getting our country back' is about all that can be semi coherently mumbled, but even then quitters haven't worked out what that garbage means...

So maybe our resident dumb plumber can enlighten us?

What exactly is Brexit?
nobody can tell us what it is because it changes all the time.

Remember Liam Fox said:

"EU trade deal after Brexit should be 'easiest in history' to get
International trade secretary tells Today programme the government is not making contingency plans for leaving without deal"

But now he says:

"The UK may not be able to reach a Brexit deal with the European Union because controversial issues are still blocking an agreement, the trade minister Liam Fox has admitted."

"Mr Fox also admitted that the UK had not even started to discuss the details of its future trade agreement with Europe."

And as for contingency plans:

"How to prepare if the UK leaves the EU with no deal
Guidance on how to prepare for Brexit if there's no deal."

Nobody voted for what they're going to give us.
The Johnson brothers :LOL:

Couple of posh boys who would not know the price of milk

Joe Johnson wrote the conservative manifesto perhaps he should read what he actually wrote in that manifesto with ref the Referendum :LOL:

He was interviewed on the radio this morning

Unable or unwilling to answer certain questions

Like his brother a d*** head :LOL:
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