Johnson to rush through deregulation using coronavirus as excuse

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Emergency laws allowing health and safety measures to be bypassed in order to keep the country running should the coronavirus outbreak worsen will be rushed in next week amid No10 fears of an economic meltdown, reports suggest
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Quiet Saturday Notch? same here, I'm going to tidy up the garage when it stops raining/sleeting.
Good too many snowflakes making pointless H&S hoops to jump through.
Not the first time Cons and their supporters have attacked citizen safety.


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JohnD putting up Daily Mail links?, I never thought I'd see the day.:D
That's right the evil Cons they want all the peasants to die get mangled In unsafe environments we will all be chucking ourselves off buildings soon out of protest. :LOL:

More blatant toys out anti Tory waffle...
You think that the Grenfell fire was down to .....

insufficient attention to citizen safety, and building regulations?

and ignoring the needs and wishes of the tenants?

Yes, I do.
insufficient attention to citizen safety, and building regulations?

and ignoring the needs and wishes of the tenants?

Yes, I do.

John for once I'm with you... So do we let everyone else off?

What about all these Labour run councils that have also turned a blind eye... Shaken a few hands... Have the same time bomb kicking.??

Could it not have happed elsewhere?
That's right the evil Cons they want all the peasants to die

Oh, do you think so?

I thought it was just due to not caring.

And penny-pinching on umimportant things like housing for the poor.

Times are hard, eh?

What's this? From before the fire?

"receives an annual subsidy of about £450,000 from the Royal Borough."

well bless my soul! It's an opera festival!
Who could have seen that coming?

"Cllr Nick Paget-Brown, the Cabinet Member for the Arts said;
"Our aim is to ensure the company has the brightest future possible and we will continue to work closely with it as grant funders of the company."

Paget-Brown? Haven't I heard that name?

"Three years before the Grenfell Tower fire, in 2014, the Grenfell Action Group – a residents group in Grenfell Tower – wrote to Paget-Brown calling on him to "investigate the actions of the council's Planning Dept and the TMO" who they accused of breaking the law by failing to consult the residents as regards the Grenfell Tower Improvement Works"

Ah yes, that's the chap.

When he resigned in the face of public outcry he was replaced by another Tory councillor, Elizabeth Campbell.

"THE NEW leader of Grenfell fire council sparked a furious backlash yesterday by revealing she had never visited a high rise tower in ELEVEN YEARS.

Elizabeth Campbell – who takes up her post at Kensington next week – said her job as a councillor had focused on areas like posh Sloane Square."
THE NEW leader of Grenfell fire council sparked a furious backlash yesterday by revealing she had never visited a high rise tower in ELEVEN YEARS.

Why would you? I once dated a girl who lived in a tower block in New Cross, the lifts smelled of urine.
Why would you?

I think perhaps the councillor who was formerly Head of Housing Services at Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea might reasonably have been expected to take a bit of an interest in her job.

But no.

She was appointed the council's cabinet member for family and children's service in 2013 - which she claims has seen her "dealing with some of the most disadvantaged families in North Kensington... on the ground".

All that without so much as setting foot in any of the flats that some of the most disadvantaged families lived and died in.
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