Mask exemptions.

7 Jul 2010
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From another thread:

my wife works in a motor factors and hears/ sees this everyday from mechanics and jumped up chancers that come in the shop, they have many signs on the door, provide free masks and gloves, and hand sanitixer and virtually everyone who walks in the shop refuses to wear a mask, even when asked to she just gets the reply "i'm exempt luv".
Leaving aside whether masks are effective against covid or not.

Isn't the mask exemption just another badly thought out rule?

I was told on the forum previously that the exemption has nothing to do with breathing difficulties but whether the person has suffered psychological damage in the past by being gagged or similar. So, it is unlikely that anyone going into a motor factor's would actually be exempt.

Apart from that, if anyone were actually exempt, surely they quite simply should not be allowed anywhere where masks are required.
If the manager of the motor factor requires customers to wear a mask then anyone not willing to wear one cannot enter - simples.

Or is he more concerned with sales?
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You can exempt yourself from wearing a mask, you don't need any card or medical certificate.
Read the regulations, it's all there.
And you cannot discriminate against anyone because they're exempt.
AND, most importantly, don't be offended if they tell you off when you ask why they're exempt: you're not allowed to know.
Or is he more concerned with sales?

ive said they should close the shop and to only do deliveries to account holder worksites (they run a team of 10 vans)

To answer your question, the manager is a spineless buffoon and refuses to serve on the trade counter himself, and refuses to refuse customers a sale due to a dislike to confrontation, and he is already on thin ice with his boss due to losing 2x accounts due to his incompetence (told 2x big account customer's he hasn't got time to do their orders and to call back later) and wishes to not have any further complaints made about him.

on another note though she does have a perspex screen up on the trade counter.
You can exempt yourself from wearing a mask, you don't need any card or medical certificate.
Read the regulations, it's all there.
And you cannot discriminate against anyone because they're exempt.
AND, most importantly, don't be offended if they tell you off when you ask why they're exempt: you're not allowed to know.

exactly, and there is an awful lot of morons out there that do this (go to a supermarket and theirs loads of them), which obviously doesn't help with the reduction of transmission.
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You can exempt yourself from wearing a mask, you don't need any card or medical certificate.
Read the regulations, it's all there.
And you cannot discriminate against anyone because they're exempt.
AND, most importantly, don't be offended if they tell you off when you ask why they're exempt: you're not allowed to know.
Ah, very sensible - so just more nonsense.
And you cannot discriminate against anyone because they're exempt.
But shopkeepers are apparently allowed to discriminate against someone eating a bag of chips or with a dog on a lead by refusing them entry. Strange that.
A shopkeeper etc. can refuse entry to anyone can he not?
Apparently not judging by those allowed in shops without face coverings. Should be a rule - no mask, no entry and rigidly enforced with no exceptions to protect those that are protecting them! Selfish bastards.
If he doesn't want to be accused of discriminating against a mask-exempt person, he could say it was not that but because he was white.
But shopkeepers are apparently allowed to discriminate against someone eating a bag of chips or with a dog on a lead by refusing them entry. Strange that.

I was in sainsbury a month or so back.
A young couple walking the Isles with their dog. . This is example of people thinking they can do what they want now....
And shopping in pyjamas! Maybe guide dogs although I did try it out once just to test it out and get a reaction from some on here so I’m guilty of that.
I did try to jump a Night club que by wearing dark glasses pretending to be blind, guided by my mate.... they saw right through me.
I did try to jump a Night club que by wearing dark glasses pretending to be blind, guided by my mate.... they saw right through me.
I was once refused entry to a night club because I wasn’t wearing a tie. I went back to my car and put a set of jump leads around my neck. "Can I come in now?" I asked. "Yes", they replied, "But don’t start anything".
My wife actually witnessed a woman drop her shopping and run screaming from Aldi before collapsing outside requiring an ambulance. It transpired it was a severe panic/anxiety attack caused by wearing a mask. (first lockdown)
I always wear a mask where required and so should everybody. But there are genuine cases where people are unable, and these people still need to eat and shop.
But there are genuine cases where people are unable, and these people still need to eat and shop.
Home deliveries ???

It still makes a mockery of the rules - or is it law - or is it guidance?

When was the last time she was in the motor factors?
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