Mega is back everybody...



Hello MW, where have you been since february? do you only do cold weather? have you been on a 6 month cruise? or been in Wandsworth? :eek:

Only kidding... it's good to have you back. And it'll be interesting to get your perspective on the 'new' DIYnot GD forum.
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Been enjoying some leisure time, playing some golf and looking around the planet a little.

I certainly seem more drawn to the site in the cooler months :LOL:

From what I've seen of our great country since I've been back Wandsworth may actually be a safer bet!

Good to see some of the old names still knocking around.

I'll try and not wind Josef up so much whilst I'm here this time ;)


Been enjoying some leisure time, playing some golf and looking around the planet a little.

I certainly seem more drawn to the site in the cooler months :LOL:

From what I've seen of our great country since I've been back Wandsworth may actually be a safer bet!

Good to see some of the old names still knocking around.

I'll try and not wind Josef up so much whilst I'm here this time ;)


welcome back... and enjoy !! ;)
although you chose to come back on a pretty quiet night !!!.. are you planning to hang around?
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So good to see that I left such a lasting impression ... I wonder what I did to Turps66 to illicit such venom ... Not a gas bodger are you?

Nothing vindictive. Just a bit of verbal jousting.

We agreed to disagree on a number of things. Maybe you have mellowed.

But, then again.................

'Gas bodger'. Yeah, you got my number alright. :LOL:
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