members photos?

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It was Boscombe beach. August - I've forgotten how many years ago, but Will's 7 now. Maybe 3 years ago.

You must know the area extremely well!!
My Nan and Grandad (bless 'em) lived in Bournemouth.We used to holiday at least once a year there.I spent many a happy evening on the penny slots on Boscombe Pier. Is it still closed??

The beaches were always fantastic and plenty to do when we were sprogs at night time.

I loved it!!

1984, when I was 12, we had two weeks of non - stop sunshine there - the sea was warm and I remember someone catching a shark at Southbourne.
Bournemouth...isn't that where you go when you live with your mum and dad?
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Crafty said:
Is that a smoke free pub, Pens?

That was about a year ago, just before my hair also starting falling out :cry:

One of my daughters does weekend bar work in an Asford night club and now that it's smoke free they're getting loads of complaints about the strong smell of BO.......good! :D
Ok, this is the very latest pic of me - Shaun will hate this! We were both drunk but at least I had my eyes open.....

Me on my hols but where was I :?:


Forget the quips about the ciggy Crafty, I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE :LOL: ;)
you were on hols on the coast near a light house. did i win?

a bit more of a clue would help
cant be, been there, there is a shed with a sign that they change to your home town saying how many miles it is
dont know why, but that doesnt look like what you should look like, unless its an old picture. and why are you in a shower?
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