Michael Jackson

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Ok Pip you got me there?? what's Michael jackson got to do with Tony Blair?
Don't tell me they've just been caught in bed together or something? :LOL:
Tony could make out he was looking for WMD Weapons of Minors and Delinquents and Jackson could say he was researching for his new single
"I can't tell the bottom from the top" :LOL:
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its funny reading the adverts below, here we are discussing whether Jacko could be a pedophile which has got to be as nasty as it gets and the system is picking up that we are talking about a pop star and offering us the opportunity to buy his records!!
now I'll go look at the other posts to see what they won't to sell in relation to it.....what great sport!!
eBay has some "intelligent" advertisement selection thing on Google. In a very juvenile moment (moi?) I realised I could have some fun with it and got:

"Great auctions on cotton plantation slaves at eBay, fantastic low prices"

Well, within a couple of words of that. They seem to have made it a bit more selective now. :LOL: