Micra K14 Engine oil filter cover stuck

9 Apr 2022
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United Kingdom
Doing an oil and filter change on my 2018 Micra K14 engine. Does anyone know of any method to remove the plastic oil filter cover.
It's so tight that it's distorting the plastic nut on the end of the cap. I feel if I put any more pressure on it, it will just round off the corners.
Why do manufacturers make things like this out of plastic, what was wrong with the old oil filter in the cartridge system.
Most grateful for any help
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Always use a full hexagon socket on these!
Is it possible to use a chain or strap wrench at the same time, maybe with a helper?
Silly question but you are undoing it the right way ? if you are if you can run engine to very warm and try again then
Thank for your advice.
I have looked at the Haynes video which shows its a normal right hand thread. Before I start an oil change I go for a long run to get the engine hot, unfortunately this did not help with the problem.
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Although I hate using these things on plastic, wrapping a few yards of masking tape around the filter head for protection could help - depending on access:
This plus the hexagon socket may sort you if you can get a helper.
These things put the fear of god into me, if coming across a car for the first time - I'm so relieved when they start to turn!
What's the access like?
John :)
Unfortunately there is no body to this thing, all you have is flat plastic end with a plastic nut.
Not good access, fitted into a recess in the engine block.
Sounds like its been tightened too much at the last change. You can try getting some form of lubricant under the top of the housing, try running the engine to get it warm, use a full hexagon socket and as you try to turn it anti clockwise tap it with a small hammer around the rim. You are not trying to smash the life out of it just little shocks to shake it loose. If that fails I would get a replacement before trying anything else.

If you get a replacement you can try carefully tapping the cover around either with a pin punch or small chisel. Keep the body intact and you will be okay to just replace the top. When you replace it lubricate the O ring with some oil and just nip the new top. Start the car and carefully check for any leaks.
Sound advice, because it's plastic a punch or chisel will just end up chooing the plastic, but desperate measures it's worth a try.
I think you are right, it's been over tightened. Which is a disgrace as it was the Nissan dealer who did the service on the car, but did they?? That's why I like to do my own service, the oil did look a bit dirty when I drained it out. Nissan send a video of the service, but only checking the tyre tread depth, never the oil and filter change, I noticed they always disconnect the dash cam in the car.
The tightening torque is often embossed on the filter top......however, the secret is to drench the rubber sealing ring in oil before it is popped back on.
I also soak the felt filter ends with oil too, just to prevent possible tearing.
Yes I totally agree with your instructions of how it should have been done, but unfortunately I did not did not replace the oil filter, it was the Nissan dealership. But I'm now struggling to unscrew the over tighten filter bowl, any ideas please.
take it to the nissan dealer and tell them to loosen it as they overtightened it.
I’ve had some that have been really tight and I’ve used a 24” bar on them before. Hex socket of course, but I’ve never had one break on me. Be brutal.
I did think of taking it to the dealer. The frustrating thing is I would have to put my very expensive oil in the engine, which will mix with the dirty oil in the filter to take it to the dealer, then pay another £38 to do the oil change.
It's very assuring that you haven't broken one.
I don't have a problem with using enough leverage, but the plastic nut on the end of the cover which is in danger of rounding off under the force I'm applying.
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