Microsoft Edge 'update'


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
When I opened my computer this morning, and opened Edge, I was greeted by a 'New Edge' page.
The real problem was that all my regular use tabs had vanished and I have been unable to get them back.
I eventually managed to find them all (12 of them) and bit by bit opened them in the Chrome browser, which I used to use a year or two ago but moved to Edge because I preferred the layout of favourites.
I shall now use Chrome, of course, but wonder whether there is any way of restoring the Edge which I used to have until today.
I did try to search Microsoft help pages, but no help at all.
Does anyone, please, have any idea how to restore the old Edge browser, complete with favourites?
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Edge has been Chromium based for some time now. Chromium is the basis of the Google Chrome browser.

IIRC, Edge used to use the Trident engine but I believe that they dropped support for that version earlier this year.

I would not recommend trying to find the old version given that it no longer receives any security updates.

Personally, I use the Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera and Brave browsers. I probably use Chrome the most but only because of inertia.

I like the fact that Edge now has the AI Bing Chat baked in.

BTW, you can customise the layout of most browsers.
Thanks for your advice.
Actually, the 'old' Edge version was the one I used only yesterday evening and which worked perfectly. The 'new' Edge appeared when I logged on this morning and had lost all my regular tabs.
I'd be happy to use the 'new' Edge, but only if I can have all my tabs back as they were.

In addition to this, MS have been trying to persuade me to download Windows 11 for some time now, and I have been considering this.
Unfortunately, I now feel that I cannot trust the dictatorial way that MS seem to take over my computer, in the way they have just done with the Edge changes. The way I feel now is to keep Windows 10, and use the Chrome browser for as long as I can.
I have tried to contact MS regarding all of this, but unless they accept that I may use my own computer the way I want, I shall not accept any of their unwanted changes.
Chromium edge stores the favourites in

  • C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
I can't recall where they were stored in the older version.

Given that you have them in Chrome, why don't you copy and paste them, one by one in Edge and save them in favourites.

I am on Windows 10 Pro- I guess that you are on Windows 10 retail. The Pro version has several advantages, one of which being that it won't force updates, it will however nudge you.

Type WINVER in to the search box and it will tell you which you have.

I am sticking with Win 10 for now, W11 has quite a different layout. If it were not for the fact that my Android phone is a Samsung, I would be on W11- back story- MS sued a number of Android manufacturers for stealing their Windows Phone IP. They convinced Samsung, the largest android manufacturer to integrate the MS phone companion (and other MS apps). I can control my phone from my laptop. W11 will enable phone access to other android manufacturers.

I will however jump to W11 once support for W10 ends.
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Use vivaldi. Never lost any of my links or passwords in updates. Also has very capable ad blocker. It uses various google services. I turn them off to block the spying scums.
Use vivaldi. Never lost any of my links or passwords in updates. Also has very capable ad blocker. It uses various google services. I turn them off to block the spying scums.

AFAIK Vivaldi doesn't use any Google services. It, like Edge, is Chromium based and whilst Google are responsible for hosting the open source Chromium project, they, Google, tailor Chromium to end up with Chrome, much in the same way that MS and Vivaldi do.
all my regular use tabs had vanished
Check you are signed in, and it's not in 'guest' mode or a different profile.
Top right to the left of the 3 dots, should either be a generic person icon or a custom one if you chose one before.
Check you are signed in, and it's not in 'guest' mode or a different profile.
Top right to the left of the 3 dots, should either be a generic person icon or a custom one if you chose one before.
Thanks. I did attempt to undo the changes they had made, but was unable to easily restore Edge to how it was.
Perhaps there was an easier way, but my eventual response (over about two hours) was to download Chrome and set it up as I had done once before (some years ago).
Since then, I have somehow managed to return Edge to how I wanted it, but I feel that I should not have needed to go to so much trouble.
I now have both Edge and Chrome set up with all my usual tabs and settings.
I preferred Edge initially because I found the 'favourites' system easier to use, and have now returned to using it routinely.
However, I shall maintain Chrome as a readily available option, just in case Microsoft decide to turn things upside down again.
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