Morbid obese people

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
I really dont like fat people, i mean proper fatties. They p1$$ me off.

There is one i see where i frequent for breakfast, she now has a walking stick, and every morning has a massive fry up that barely fits in her fold up kebab style pouch. She huffs n puffs over to the cashier and gives an efforted puffing 'goo morni..' huff huff in a tone as if this is all such an effort.
Then i hear her talking to someone suggesting pain killers for their bad neck because she takes them for her knees and hips (i wonder why you FF!).

So she must be at least 20 stone easy, hardly able to walk, is on painkillers yet still has a cooked breakfast, and i bet none of it is her fault, genetics, anxiety about not seeing another donut again in her life or whatever.
NO doubt already leaning heavily (literally) on the NHS and breathing the oxygen of people who never made it in life just because they were dealt a bad deal in some way...

Wasters they should be made to pay double NHS contributions and made to go on a diet until deemed fit for society. I blame this fekin snowflake society again about big n curvey is beautiful fat shaming etc, no when they are morbidly obese they should be ashamed.

Think of all the obesity related diseases and how much load that puts on our NHS.

Time we got tough on F@t F'rs!.
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I really dont like fat people, i mean proper fatties. They p1$$ me off.

There is one i see where i frequent for breakfast, she now has a walking stick, and every morning has a massive fry up that barely fits in her fold up kebab style pouch. She huffs n puffs over to the cashier and gives an efforted puffing 'goo morni..' huff huff in a tone as if this is all such an effort.
Then i hear her talking to someone suggesting pain killers for their bad neck because she takes them for her knees and hips (i wonder why you FF!).

So she must be at least 20 stone easy, hardly able to walk, is on painkillers yet still has a cooked breakfast, and i bet none of it is her fault, genetics, anxiety about not seeing another donut again in her life or whatever.
NO doubt already leaning heavily (literally) on the NHS and breathing the oxygen of people who never made it in life just because they were dealt a bad deal in some way...

Wasters they should be made to pay double NHS contributions and made to go on a diet until deemed fit for society. I blame this fekin snowflake society again about big n curvey is beautiful fat shaming etc, no when they are morbidly obese they should be ashamed.

Think of all the obesity related diseases and how much load that puts on our NHS.

Time we got tough on them.

Well said Festive, that'll upset the snowflakes.
Today on tv, there was a debate on a similar issue regarding hospital treatment for repetitive alcoholics, very similar response, get tough on them too, make them pay.
see other thread!
yes, it's a burden, but the government are responsible for failing to control the food and drinks industry.
Advertising and marketing works - people never used to eat this way before food giants ploughed millions into advertising and marketing.
Obesity it cause by the food and drinks industry, and the government turns a blind eye because "it's just food". Needs to be regulation like alcohol and tobacco.
see other thread!
yes, it's a burden, but the government are responsible for failing to control the food and drinks industry.
Advertising and marketing works - people never used to eat this way before food giants ploughed millions into advertising and marketing.
Obesity it cause by the food and drinks industry, and the government turns a blind eye because "it's just food". Needs to be regulation like alcohol and tobacco.

Well, they shouldn't believe all they see advertised.
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the government are responsible for failing to control the food and drinks industry.

Look on the bright side. The "sugar tax" on sugary drinks that kids like to swig has resulted in most manufacturers (not Coca-Cola) reducing the sugar content, and this has taken tons of sugar out of their diet. The equivalent of 45 million kg of sugar every year.

That idiot Buffoon Johnson is saying that if he manages to be PM, he'd consider rescinding that measure, and will resist extending it.


"As a general rule, there's 10.6 g of sugar per 100 ml of Coca-Cola original taste. Did you know? 35 g of sugar amounts to about 7 teaspoons of sugar."
see other thread!
yes, it's a burden, but the government are responsible for failing to control the food and drinks industry.
Advertising and marketing works - people never used to eat this way before food giants ploughed millions into advertising and marketing.
Obesity it cause by the food and drinks industry, and the government turns a blind eye because "it's just food". Needs to be regulation like alcohol and tobacco.

Oh please really, no one is forcing you to shove pies down your trap or tip beer down your throat.
Being super-fat is optional. Anyone who thinks they can put on huge amounts of weight without eating much is defying the laws of physics. Ask anyone who has been denied adequate nutrition for long periods of time.
Oh please really, no one is forcing you to shove pies down your trap or tip beer down your throat.
There is the fact that whilst alcohol and fags are discouraged, food is not. I also find it astonishing just how many opportunities there are to gamble and how readily available suck-'em-in teasers there are, to woo potential gamblers with a free first bet.
"But it’s not clear what Boris Johnson’s team think is missing from the existing research on sugar taxes.

We asked them and we haven’t received a reply. We’ll update if we do."

"We also asked Mr Johnson whether his adviser Will Walden, who works for a lobbying company that represents Coca-Cola, was involved in the new sugar tax policy.

Several journalists have reported that people close to Mr Johnson deny any involvement on the part of Mr Walden, but Mr Johnson’s team did not put this on the record when contacted by FactCheck."
On a totally unrelated issue, is it possible that multi-billion international corporations, with vast amounts of profit, are capable of influencing politicians in any way?
On a totally unrelated issue, is it possible that multi-billion international corporations, with vast amounts of profit, are capable of influencing politicians in any way?

Well, I wouldn't worry too much most adults know if BJ said it, it's almost certainly b****ocks.
Of course individual responsibility is a core factor however the rise in obesity also is heavily related to the food industry in the products it makes, the merchandising and advertising.

Also the focus on fat content of food as a the single driving factor of weight gain has encouraged poor diets.

Calorie dense foods high in carbohydrate and sugar are not seen as bad because of this focus on fat.

Hence why product packaging promotes 'low fat' -even though it may be loaded with sugar (n)

Oh and fruit juice contains almost as much sugar as coke :eek:
Also the focus on fat content of food as a the single driving factor of weight gain has encouraged poor diets.
Don't worry, the food industry always tries to find a way of getting around their profits being hit...

Has anyone else had the 'experience' of crisps (chips) that contained 'fake fat' without fully reading the label first?


Some were even more honest and referred to 'anal leakage'!
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