More rules and regulations for our enjoyment

3 Sep 2006
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West Mids
United Kingdom
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I wonder if and potential terrorists could claim that CCTV is an infringement of their privacy :confused:

Also, one presumes that Jesus would not have been able to be lifted unto heaven without appropriate scaffolding, PPE equipment and a full RIDDOR regarding the nature of his initial terminal injuries on that crucifix.
Soon be we won't be able to go for a dump without doing a risk assessment.
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"You might say that small children have been blowing up balloons for generations, but not anymore and they will be safer for it," said an official.

Absolute madness ...... how on earth did any of us manage to survive our childhood :confused: :eek:
I suppose wrapping them up in cotton wool would breach the law too as the fibres must surely be a choking hazard ;)
"You might say that small children have been blowing up balloons for generations, but not anymore and they will be safer for it," said an official.

Absolute madness ...... how on earth did any of us manage to survive our childhood :confused: :eek:
I wish that official hadn't survived his childhood.
I work as the maintenance man at my employers workplace. Even though I've been a joiner for donkey's years (many of them spent up and down scaffolds), I now can't use a ladder until I have undergone a "Ladder Training "course. I did point out to my boss that I've probably been up and down ladders more times than she's had hot dinners, but "Rules is Rules. :cry: :cry:
I work as the maintenance man at my employers workplace. Even though I've been a joiner for donkey's years (many of them spent up and down scaffolds), I now can't use a ladder until I have undergone a "Ladder Training "course. I did point out to my boss that I've probably been up and down ladders more times than she's had hot dinners, but "Rules is Rules. :cry: :cry:
I wouldn't be at all surprised if, subsequent to your training, you promptly fall off the next ladder you climb :LOL: :LOL:
"The EU toy safety directive, agreed and implemented by Government, states that balloons must not be blown up by unsupervised children under the age of eight, in case they accidentally swallow them and choke."

I've seen toys marked "Contains small parts, not suitable for children under X"

Can anyone show that the scare story means anything more than that? I must confess my first thought was "more trumped-up rubbish by an anti-European newspaper".

Was I wrong?

"He said one officer claimed that he was within his rights to confiscate the mobile phone containing the pictures under the Prevention of Terrorism Act."
This is untrue. The PC should have known it by now. Or maybe Mr White was making it up.
"You might say that small children have been blowing up balloons for generations, but not anymore and they will be safer for it," said an official.

Absolute madness ...... how on earth did any of us manage to survive our childhood :confused: :eek:
I wish that official hadn't survived his childhood.

It's almost a certainty that if a name is not used for a quote then the quotehas been made up by the newspaper. It is merely there to annoy simpletons that believe everything they read.

No one is going to stop your child using a balloon unsupervised if you yourself deem it safe to do so.
I presume all these quotes came from the Daily Mail?

And would also presume that you would be happy to leave a small child, surrounded by it's rubber dummy, but also surrounded by balloons, which the child might find easier to chew on and ingest?
Nah Micky, these quotes come direct from Europe mate. As for the question would we be happy to leave a child surrounded by balloons etc,,, I'd just like to ask you if you had a childhood? If so, how on earth did you manage to survive with all these apparent dangers?
When I was a kid, we'd climb trees, play outside, play with kites, balloons, heavy real leather footballs, play on the street, go fishing etc. All at a young age. Our parents quite literally told us to be in by a certain time and didn't worry unduly about us. We'd come home with cuts, bruises and even occasionally a broken limb. Are you going to tell me now that balloons are more dangerous today than they were all those years ago?
We mollycoddle our children/grandchildren at our own peril, without increasing interference from authority. ;) ;)
The article also stated the following:

"As well as new rules for balloons and party whistles, the EU legislation will impose restrictions on how noisy toys, including rattles or musical instruments, are allowed to be.

British toy manufacturers are concerned that the new rules, which include defining colouring books and anything played with by under-14s, could drive up the price of Christmas presents because of the cost of safety tests "

It is obvious that anyone with a grain of common sense always tries to ensure that children are safe...... it goes without saying that of course we want to protect them from harm, but do we need petty rules and regulations in order to so.

'Defining colouring books' I hope it is made up, otherwise the world has gone completely mad.
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