Motherboard SATA mode

17 Apr 2007
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United Kingdom
Presently trying to install Win 7 x64 on a Sata 2 drive connected to a ga-ma69vm-s2 motherboard.

The BIOS SATA modes available are

legacy IDE
native IDE (default)

I actually wanted the drive to work in SATA. With SATA -> selected, the PC crashes whilst booting for the initial install. The boot process only works with one of the IDE modes selected.

Does anyone know how I can get the drive working in SATA mode ?
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It does now. Was at F7 when I checked so have flashed to F9.

Sadly, the problem persists.

I'm curious why there's not a default SATA mode for a single SATA HDD. Why does it have to go to IDE mode ? ..... strange!!
The SATA -> AHCI mode requires the ACHI driver to be loaded by Windows in order to boot, otherwise a BSOD (blue screen of death) occurs (as you have discovered). I would suggest your original install was done in native or legacy IDE mode, and, unless you can find the necessary driver and install it from external media (floppy disk or USB stick) you will have to stick with IDE mode. IIRC the mode selected in the BIOS refers to all hard disks installed (on that HDD controller).
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Changed install from USB to install from DVD and that worked with Legacy IDE mode.

Only issue now is that on Restart, the PC shuts down but won't restart although the power LED stays on.
Get that fixed and all will be well I think.
Sadly the Win 7 install is still proving problematic.

The PC is rebooting by itself and when purposely rebooted, actually only goes as far as switching of monitor signal but not the PC.

The ga-ma69vm-s2 motherboard should easily run Win 7.

Anyone got ideas about registry settings on this matter ?
Are you sure ? You are bouncing around the arena, like a decapitated chicken !!
Good idea! Put 'some in' before capitulating to this place, and straw clutching.
I prefer the term logical deduction to bouncing around.

Yes, I'm sure. I started the thread because I was unsure that I had the right SATA mode for the installation because of the repeated crashing.

I tried the various modes, different cables, ram, flashing the bios and psu change and the problem of crashing remained.

When I changed the CPU, the problem vanished and I managed a nice clean install as a result.
The ga-ma69vm-s2 board keeps crashing at Win 7 launch with any of the Athlon 64 processors I install, IE

X2 6000+
X2 4400+

Its only booting with the Seperon 3000+ installed.

Have tried various BIOS versions but no go for the Athlons.

Rather bizarre !
The psu was the culprit.

I changed it this morning and now have an Athlon 4400+ installed and the PC is ticking along nicely.
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