Must be my xenophobia kicking in again

No soft arse, it's better off with idiots like you opposing restrictions on free movement.
Remainer aren't you? Want to stay in the EU don't you? Want to keep all of the ridiculously porous borders that go with that which give terrorists virtually complete freedom to go back and forth as they like don't you?
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Whilst being so economical with the actualite they are at the very least encouraging all kinds of speculation.

Nobody's is encouraging speculation - some people, it would appear, seem to enjoy speculating and leaping to conclusions without any hard evidence.

Now why would they do that when they have all of the information on his name, background etc?

Who can tell - maybe it's all part of a global conspiracy :eek: or maybe they want to ensure that his family know or maybe they want to complete the investigation before releasing all the information or maybe they just want to give bits of information out so that people can jump to their own partially formed conclusions.
Silly sewage thinks that the UK is part of Schengen.

He probably thinks that even the countries that are, can't suspend it when necessary.
Want to stay in the EU don't you? Want to keep all of the ridiculously porous borders that go with that which give terrorists virtually complete freedom to go back and forth as they like don't you?

Out of interest, do you understand the difference between members of the Schengen area and the EU and the EEA.

Last time (assuming you have been out of the UK) you went abroad did you need your passport?
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Who can tell - maybe it's all part of a global conspiracy :eek: or maybe they want to ensure that his family know or maybe they want to complete the investigation before releasing all the information or maybe they just want to give bits of information out so that people can jump to their own partially formed conclusions.

If this guy was a Swiss national with a wholly Swiss background whose gone nuts I think they would be shouting it from the roof tops.
Silly sewage thinks that the UK is part of Schengen.
We don't need to be soft arse, EU nationals have the right to come here as they want. What country did the Paris attackers come from? I'll give you a hosts the main HQ of the EU.

He probably thinks that even the countries that are, can't suspend it when necessary.
If you mean they can do that before the next atrocity rather than in reaction to the last it might mean something.
Most of the terrorist bombs that have gone off (or not) near me have been planted by people coming from Another Part Of The United Kingdom.

Outists were strangely reluctant to say if border controls should or should not be imposed around the Part.

No doubt sewage would want anyone with a non-Anglican religion to be prevented from entering GB.
Until they do I won't read too much into what they do say.

Well you've done a brilliant job of reading lots from very little so far
People sometimes give more away by what they don't say than by what they do.
Whilst being so economical with the actualite they are at the very least encouraging all kinds of speculation. Now why would they do that when they have all of the information on his name, background etc?

Usually they publish a picture and post the name of the perpetrator.........and that fairly quickly. They know who he his, he's dead why not publish the details ........
They did with the truck driver did they not ........admittedly that was France and not Switzerland ........but still.........
I just can't seem to make myself believe this
Police in Switzerland say a Swiss man started a fire and stabbed people on a train in the country’s north-east, wounding six people as well as himself.
Bruno Metzger of the St Gallen cantonal police said in an interview with that a crime of passion was one possibility. “A terrorism background still seems very, very far-fetched,” he said.

Here's a radical idea someone posted somewhere

How long is the world going to put up with this. If the perpetrator has no value on his life, perhaps he would on his family. Execute the entire family of the terrorist, I bet that would bring it to a halt or severely limit it.
I thought I was a nasty bstrd till I read that. :eek::LOL:

That is what went on or was threatened in the Lebanon in the 80's when the Syrians sent troops in.

there either was suicide bombers or there was a threat of suicide bombers against Syrian troops (?) & they let it be known that if they found out the I.D of said bomber
They would execute his or her entire family , parents , grand parents uncle aunties , children, cousins ect ect even those who new them ??

afaik they never suffered any suicide attacks ???

My sister was out there in the early 80's
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