Old Conservatives don't understand

Stopping it in 1997 and instructing councils to rebuild homes would have been easy but they didn’t
No, I don't think stopping it was feasible, they did introduce more restrictions though. They did fail on providing more homes for rent.
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How many were sold under Labour? And what discount?
which labour government already gave you how many were lost from 97 to 2010
But what does it matter stock was sold and at a discount
No, I don't think stopping it was feasible, they did introduce more restrictions though. They did fail on providing more homes for rent.
you mean the tories built more than labour did
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But what does it matter stock was sold and at a discount
You don't know that for sure, you mentioned pre-Thatcher. You don't even know how many or when they were sold.
You don't know that for sure, you mentioned pre-Thatcher. You don't even know how many or when they were sold.
Doesnt matter when or how many were sold but council houses were sold pre thatcher even the link you put states that and some figures
The best ones were snapped up very quickly. And yes it's good that sitting tenants were given the option to own their home. But you needed to build others to replace them.
When Tony Blair came into power he said he wouldn't be building more council housing because it would be returning to the days of old labour. He was as good as his promise as labour built fewer houses than Thatcher built during her period of office.
Rubbish at sticking to his policy?
What it did do was raising questions at a n early stage was new labour a party of the working man and so it went onto to prove they were ditching them.
Sadly it took a long time for the penny to drop, even to this day there are those who are willing to back Starmer.
The problem with NEW labour is that they are more tories than the tories. That is why everthing went even further down the pan after thatcher and the unions destroyed this country. Starmer is new labour so him and his party will not change anything. I sincerely hope sunak comes a massive cropper in the next elections but I honestly cannot see any other party doing any better. Sunak and his lot have to go because there are huge underlying hidden agenders whilst sunak and co are in charge. I believe that enoch powell's speech could well come to fruition in the near future.
Corbyn today with his left wing policies would have beaten Sunak, not by as much as smarmy will, but by enough. He got something like 38 per cent of the vote in 2017.
Old Labour is unelectable. Michael Foot and Jeremy Corbyn proved that with their election defeats. Majority of people want more than just old Labour policies. Conservatives have had 13 years in power and have let infrastructure and living standards slide for most except the rich. Time for change.
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