Oops... Yet again!

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
It appears those 'easiest deals in history' still aren't going so well...

Linky Linky

"The UK has stopped its trade talks with Canada, after nearly two years of negotiations on a post-Brexit agreement.
Trade between the two countries currently takes place under the terms of a deal the UK rolled over from its time as an EU member.
A time-limited agreement allowed the UK to continue to sell cars and cheese without high import taxes.
But talks about extending these as part of a new deal have now broken down.
It marks the first time the UK has formally suspended talks with a trade partner since formally leaving the EU trading regime in 2021.
It will also mean the UK's trading terms with Canada will now be worse than when it was part of the EU's deal with the country."


Worse than when the UK was in the EU :rolleyes:

Could any pro brexit voter explain why this is a 'brexit bonus'?
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We dont want a repeat of mad cow disease or similar so hormone treated beef is a no no. Hormone treated brexxers are fine.
We dont want a repeat of mad cow disease or similar so hormone treated beef is a no no. Hormone treated brexxers are fine.
That's what got us into this mess in the first place...

Hormone deficiencies in the wrinklies!

And probably why they can't come up with a single 'brexit benefit'...

Mind you they've also probably conveniently forgotten what they voted for in the first place by now ;)
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