Parking in supermarkets/sheds

nickso wrote

How is it inconvienient to others?

Before that he wrote
I can tell you are the type of person I have regular discussions with in car parks

So he claims he doesn't inconvience anyone yet admits to remonstrating with the very people he takes so much joy in inconviencing.
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nickso wrote

How is it inconvienient to others?

Before that he wrote
I can tell you are the type of person I have regular discussions with in car parks

So he claims he doesn't inconvience anyone yet admits to remonstrating with the very people he takes so much joy in inconviencing.

Couldn't answer the question like the ones in the car park can't either. :LOL:

It's just staggering the amount of people who will ironically walk further than they parked their beat up shed from the front door just to tell me I shouldn't do that. :confused:

And I take little joy in necessity.
Park over the white line so you take up two spaces.It might p**s the others off but its a dog eat dog world and nobody seem's to give a stuff about other peoples property.

This really p****s me off. Whenever I see someone who has done this I make sure I park right next to them, about 2 inches away so they have to enter via passenger seat.

If you are that fussed about people parking next to you then order online and delivey is usually a couple quid-about the same in cost of petrol/diesel to get there and back

dmspread, i notice you come from Fife, i imagine the supermarket car parks are a lot smaller than they are south of the Wall, what we're saying is (it happens to me) we park on the on the perimeter of the car park, bearing in mind there are hundreds of M/T spaces away from the store entrance so why the kfuc do people have to park next to me, i'm 6'2" and quite large which is why i like a bit of space and yes my car is a 52 reg Mondeo, the doors are quite sturdy so i dont fanny about when opening my doors, if it dents another door, tough!
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We do a lot of work in Supermarkets.
Tip up in the van, find somewhere out of the way, start unloading kit, ladders etc, then right on cue, some fcktard decides to park right next to the side door and then gets all indignant when he sees his vehicle at risk.

Mother and baby bays for us nowadays. Any **** from the tool from the parking comany and his card gets blocked. No warm canteen and cheap meals for him. They soon learn.
Another idiot who thinks he has a right to use up two spaces and inconvience other people.

How is it inconvienient to others? All the fattys are fighting for a space near the door. I park miles away and walk over thus keeping my fabulous figure and keeping my car damage free. It's a win-win really.

So nick, what part of the UK do you live, because here in Bristol you park in the furthest away corner then come out to find some prat parked next to you, they are like sheep.
Another idiot who thinks he has a right to use up two spaces and inconvience other people.

How is it inconvienient to others? All the fattys are fighting for a space near the door. I park miles away and walk over thus keeping my fabulous figure and keeping my car damage free. It's a win-win really.

So nick, what part of the UK do you live, because here in Bristol you park in the furthest away corner then come out to find some prat parked next to you, they are like sheep.

It happens but I don't remember anyone maliciously parking so close I had to do the passenger shuffle. Had a few have-a-go's thinking they were the car park inspector but not been on my backside yet. :LOL:
Parking spaces will be bigger in the future because of the Fatties, an inconvenience to the normal customer if it means less spaces. :D
Park over the white line so you take up two spaces.It might p**s the others off but its a dog eat dog world and nobody seem's to give a stuff about other peoples property.

This really p****s me off. Whenever I see someone who has done this I make sure I park right next to them, about 2 inches away so they have to enter via passenger seat.

If you are that fussed about people parking next to you then order online and delivey is usually a couple quid-about the same in cost of petrol/diesel to get there and back

dmspread, i notice you come from Fife, i imagine the supermarket car parks are a lot smaller than they are south of the Wall, what we're saying is (it happens to me) we park on the on the perimeter of the car park, bearing in mind there are hundreds of M/T spaces away from the store entrance so why the kfuc do people have to park next to me, i'm 6'2" and quite large which is why i like a bit of space and yes my car is a 52 reg Mondeo, the doors are quite sturdy so i dont **** about when opening my doors, if it dents another door, tough!
wouldn't say the supermarket car parks are small here. Irrelevant really. Why don't you just park at the end of the bays that way no one can park next to you and you have all the room you need
Jesus, not this again. Just park in two spaces at the opposite end of the car park from everyone else.

If a **** like Dmplastering then parks next to you make sure you damage his car in a way he won't find it for a while and probably won't associate it with your car. :mrgreen:
Couldn't give a flying **** if you dented my van. I'd quite happily sit in it while I watch you climb over the passenger seat
Jesus, not this again. Just park in two spaces at the opposite end of the car park from everyone else.

If a **** like Dmplastering then parks next to you make sure you damage his car in a way he won't find it for a while and probably won't associate it with your car. :mrgreen:
Couldn't give a flying f***** if you dented my van. I'd quite happily sit in it while I watch you climb over the passenger seat

That's assuming you were in it. The sheddier the car/van, the more damage i can get away with :mrgreen:
Biggest inconvenience to the normal customer is a few grand off his part ex value cos some kintard has put dents in his car with their rusty
sh%tebox. If you got a decent motor common sense is to park it away from risk. Thankfully Sainsburys car park seems to have far fewer
super tough ninja's than this forum so you'll likely get away with it and your car will thank you (as will your wallet).
Jesus, not this again. Just park in two spaces at the opposite end of the car park from everyone else.

If a **** like Dmplastering then parks next to you make sure you damage his car in a way he won't find it for a while and probably won't associate it with your car. :mrgreen:
Couldn't give a flying f***** if you dented my van. I'd quite happily sit in it while I watch you climb over the passenger seat

That's assuming you were in it. The sheddier the car/van, the more damage i can get away with :mrgreen:
I'll just take the car and sit in it while the wife does the shopping. Who's laughing now :mrgreen:
Jesus, not this again. Just park in two spaces at the opposite end of the car park from everyone else.

If a **** like Dmplastering then parks next to you make sure you damage his car in a way he won't find it for a while and probably won't associate it with your car. :mrgreen:
Couldn't give a flying f***** if you dented my van. I'd quite happily sit in it while I watch you climb over the passenger seat

That's assuming you were in it. The sheddier the car/van, the more damage i can get away with :mrgreen:
I'll just take the car and sit in it while the wife does the shopping. Who's laughing now :mrgreen:

Ooh it's tit for tat heaven here, how long before a mod asks us to stop quoting unnecessarily? :mrgreen:

P.s. I would sit in the car if I was married to your missus. :LOL: :p
Jesus, not this again. Just park in two spaces at the opposite end of the car park from everyone else.

If a **** like Dmplastering then parks next to you make sure you damage his car in a way he won't find it for a while and probably won't associate it with your car. :mrgreen:
Couldn't give a flying f***** if you dented my van. I'd quite happily sit in it while I watch you climb over the passenger seat

That's assuming you were in it. The sheddier the car/van, the more damage i can get away with :mrgreen:
I'll just take the car and sit in it while the wife does the shopping. Who's laughing now :mrgreen:

Ooh it's tit for tat heaven here, how long before a mod asks us to stop quoting unnecessarily? :mrgreen:

P.s. I would sit in the car if I was married to your missus. :LOL: :p
The posts will just be deleted mate!always happens. Good job shes no watching me or I'd get a clip round the lug for not defending her lol
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