Pat Condell. Who'd Have Thunk It?

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13 Sep 2010
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Wrong side of The Channel
United Kingdom
As well as being a skilled and incisive social commentator who is able to highlight and ridicule the lunacy of those on the left - he was actually a stand up comedian many years ago.

New one on me.

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As well as being a skilled and incisive social commentator who is able to highlight and ridicule the lunacy of those on the left - he was actually a stand up comedian many years ago.

New one on me.

New to me too.

I didn't realise that he was able to highlight and ridicule any such thing.

Or that he was a comedian. Was, being the operative word I guess?

Just a loud mouthed outspoken man who enjoys insulting people, but pretending that they have insulted him !

If he supported any of his points with substantiated facts, I would be surprised, but it would make him at least listenable.

He is a prat, with an easily led following.
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Over what ? Going out relaxing in bars/restaurants whenever you fancy, going out in the country walking with the dog , going fishing on a whim ? That's what I'd prefer now.

So which real world are you in?

The real world where people get raped, murdered, robbed by moped riding scum, not your idea of real life, out digging holes & skiing.
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