Peugeot 106 diesel clutch disengagement problem.

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
This car has done a fair mileage at 175k and has over last two days developed a new problem apparently with the clutch/gears.

The feel of the clutch has not changed and the engage position is exactly the same as usual.

However, when depressed to engage a gear from start there seems to be a lot of continued rotational drag and even pressing further than normal tends to be stiff to engage and to crunch the gears.

Once driving its not quite so bad but still difficult to change gear even though I always match the gear speeds as far as possible.

Can anyone recognise this problem as its not one that I have encountered before.

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I had a similar issue on a 406, cant comment if the system is similar.
On the 406 there is a sleeve that sits over the shaft, this becomes grooved over time, mine started off as a little resistance at a certain point, then got progressively worse till said sleeve split and jammed the clutch in the open position.

The part itself was about £15 IIRC, I changed the clutch whilst I was there, the clutch on the 406 is hydraulic, and the bite position never changes.
If the clutch is worn, the 'bite' will be towards the bottom of the pedal travel, and it will be much heavier to press than a 'new' clutch.
There's a strong possibility that the clutch diaphragm spring has a couple of broken fingers, causing the clutch not to engage fully.....curiously enough this doesn't give a a different feel or judder.
John :)
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Right, engine off the gears all select as normal and stick feels just like normal.

Clutch engagement is normal position about 1/3 way down.

The problem is that even FULLY down it does not properly disengage and that makes it difficult to get it into first or reverse to start off as well as rather difficult to change any gear although manageable to change with difficulty when running.

Any thoughts?

Realistically the clutch has to come out then - as gear selection is fine with the engine off.
Thats a fine mileage for a small 1.5 diesel!
John :)
Normally does about 55 mpg so very economical.

Any ideas of what could have gone wrong with clutch?

Trouble is I cannot find the number for my rasta mechanic ! Even worse I cannot remember his name either. He was a mate of the previous mechanic who died in hospital under odd circumstances.

Also needs a new cam belt too.

Anyone know how much of a job the clutch is?

175K 106 with clutch nad timing belt problems, plus the fact that your mechanic made such an impression you can't remember his name!!

It's a breaker I'm afraid, unless you want to start fixing yourself?

Just reality, repair cost against overall value

Worth getting the clutch checked to ensure it is an internal problem (in the bell housing), ie not easily fixed.
Its an internal problem but would be nice to find someone who could guess at what it might be!

Mechanic is nice friendly rasta who I see at his workshop but dont need to call him by his name but my phone used to have the name and number but seem to have lost the entry!

I go with tim the enchanter . wear/ deposits from the clutch gumming things up - even maybe a leaking oil seal contaminating the clutch . I had the oil seal problem years ago on a Pug ( cant even remember the model :oops: ) Do remember it cost a fortune because the poxy clutch came complete and had to be fitted @ the garage - I was gutted because I was still doing my own repairs @ the time - I should have scrapped it and walked away :cry: After that I ran a Wolseley 1100 that had been converted to an estate car by Crayford engineering - rare or what :LOL: But it was as rot as a pear - couldn`t afford to restore it .
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