Police shoot to kill ?

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I am very disappointed that no-one is to be charged over the shooting of the Brazillian.

It is quite clear that with THREE police on the scene, TWO holding him and one shooting him ( SEVEN times ! ) there was no need to kill him.

The Forest Gate mad senario is another case of total over kill ( sic ). The Police are totally out of control when dealing with routine investigations. 50 Police ( 12 armed ) to question just TWO men?

Their attitude has become SHOOT FIRST, answer questions afterwards !

This is meant to be a civilised country where someone is innocent until proved guilty.

More attention should be given to lower level crimes that affect most of the population. 99% of all crimes are never investigated by the Police. A friend reported criminal damage with a description and car index but had a standard letter back saying they could not trace the suspect. He is still in the area every day!!!
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Are you saying that if the incident had happened in Brazil that an illegal immigrant was shot by Brazilian Police that there would be a media circus and a massive payout to the family?

Heck, they round up and shoot street kids there regularly.
He was NOT an illegal immigrant !

The Brazilllians come to the UK via Portugal because they have Portugeuse relatives and enter the EU via the back door totally legally.

They are friendly, polite, hard working and cause no trouble here.
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Agile said:
He was NOT an illegal immigrant !

The Brazilllians come to the UK via Portugal because they have Portugeuse relatives and enter the EU via the back door totally legally.

They are friendly, polite, hard working and cause no trouble here.

He outstayed his Visa.
i can't understand why these police marksmen have to shoot to kill all the time...why not shoot another part of the body IE.Arms-legs etc,There was an incident on the A63 Near Hull where the police shot dead a young lad because he drove down the wrong side of road and somebody called the police. the lad got out of his van with is now thought to be piece of wood in his hand...a police marksman shot him dead...theres still an investigation going on...
vokera80e said:
i can't understand why these police marksmen have to shoot to kill all the time...why not shoot another part of the body IE.Arms-legs etc,
I think it was because the marksmen thought it was a suicide bomber.
what would you have done in that situation. Youve been told hes a suicide bomber. You therefore know what he is capable of and what will happen to you if he manages to detonate it, so what would you have done in that split second making that choice?

Normally police do not shoot to kill, they shoot to stop. If you had ever tried to fire a gun at a moving target you would know how difficult it is to hit. For that reason you have to aim for the biggest mass, ie the torso. Shooting people in the arms or legs is hollywood fiction, and it wont always stop them. WHen an officer makes a decision to shoot he still has to use the minimum force to achieve the subduing of the subject. Therefore if one bullet to the torso will stop him, then that is seen to be better than shooting once in the leg, then again one that doesnt stop him, then again in another part of the body etc etc.
Amazing how there are so many experts having had weeks to analyse what should have been done. The policeman had milliseconds to make his decision, the world has had weeks to consider and decide he made the wrong one.

It was a tragic outcome but the guy was told to stop several times, circumstances were such that the decision was taken to shoot.

Remember hindsight is always 20:20 vision.

Regards - J
They also thought that if he had a bomb strapped to him that it might detonate - so they shot his head.

If the blame lies anywhere it's with the 7/7 bombers.
johnb80 said:
Amazing how there are so many experts having had weeks to analyse what should have been done. The policeman had milliseconds to make his decision, the world has had weeks to consider and decide he made the wrong one.

It was a tragic outcome but the guy was told to stop several times, circumstances were such that the decision was taken to shoot.

Remember hindsight is always 20:20 vision.

Regards - J

The facts seem to be different..

The police were tailing him for a long time (so no millisecond decision there). The only images available (amazing how little exists.. ;) ) show him behaving normally. No warnings to stop have been proved to have happened, along with all the other lies told after the shooting (odd clothes, vaulting the barrier etc..).

So basically either the wrong order was given, or there were a couple of trigger happy cops. However, as expected the CPS don't think they can prove either, so a crazy H&S prosecution is to be made (which will probably also fail as did the only other time a case has been put), and even if it's proved, there will only be a fine paid by....yes you've guessed it - the taxpayer!!
The Police tailing him were the surveilance squad. The armed response group had little time and thought they were dealing with a suicide bomber.
They no-doubt believed they were about to lose their lives at any moment.
It's eay to be a hero in your lounge room a year after the event.

It was a tragic accident, nothing more.
joe-90 said:
It was a tragic accident, nothing more.

Except if it was a member of your family - in that case you'd be shouting fo justice as loudly as possible!!
ellal said:
joe-90 said:
It was a tragic accident, nothing more.

Except if it was a member of your family - in that case you'd be shouting fo justice as loudly as possible!!

His family are already doing that with the help of script writing lawyers.

If his own Brazilian Police had shot him - you'd have heard nothing.
joe-90 said:
His family are already doing that with the help of script writing lawyers.

Oh sorry..it's all about the money then is it?... :rolleyes:
If his own Brazilian Police had shot him - you'd have heard nothing.
probably not..but you would have heard plenty if a brazilian cop shot a UK citizen!!!
and does that mean that we should put the same value on life in this country as in other places?..
It's all perspective - notice how the fact that over 300 died last night in a tsunami comes lower down on the news than some idiot saying sh*t?..
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