Police shooting at Forest Gate !

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Following the shooting dead of the Brazillian electrician, as widely predicted the officer who shot the Forest Gate house owner has got off as well !

The Met Police have wheeled out their asian Ass. Commissioner to make the media statement saying:-

"""In this case an independent forensic scientist has concluded that the weapon was within two inches of Abdulkahar when discharged and was not in a normal firing position. The IPCC has concluded there was no evidence that it was a deliberate act by the officer, or indeed no evidence of intent or recklessness. The report states that the officer has committed no criminal or disciplinary offences."""

One could conclude that as long as an officer puts his gun up against you then he is free to shoot you without taking any responsibility.

The other amazing evidence is that "the officer was not aware the gun had discharged".

Anyone who has fired a gun knows that there is very considerable recoil that can even dislocate your wrist so its impossible for me to accept that statement as anything other than an intentional lie.

Anybody trained in gun usage knows that you are on heightened alert whenever the safety catch is off.

""the officer has committed no criminal or disciplinary offences"". So yet again the Police can shoot someone without commiting any offence!

Does that finding give anyone any confidence in the Police Complaints Commission ( which is mostly staffed by police on secondment ! )
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Anyone who has fired a gun knows that there is very considerable recoil that can even dislocate your wrist so its impossible for me to accept that statement as anything other than an intentional lie.

christ what have you fired an elephant gun then?
Isn't it even more amazing that at the same time as the report is being issued, the 'suspected chemical bomber' is now being questioned over kiddie porn!!

I may be wrong, but it sounds like the usual police 'deferring attention tactics' to me!

As for confidence in a proper balanced inquiry - it was never there!
he was struggling ? why wasnt he shot dead is the question ? shoddy workmanship

did you see the beards on them f**kers musta scared the officer :LOL:
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I may be wrong, but it sounds like the usual police 'deferring attention tactics' to me!

well you may be but whatever they say youll never be happy unless someones hung out to dry. No bias at all

ellal said:
Isn't it even more amazing that at the same time as the report is being issued, the 'suspected chemical bomber' is now being questioned over kiddie p**n!!

I may be wrong, but it sounds like the usual police 'deferring attention tactics' to me!

As for confidence in a proper balanced inquiry - it was never there!

There was kiddie porn found on his computer so hes been interviewed, so what. If the police made it up i could understand this "I may be wrong, but it sounds like the usual police 'deferring attention tactics' to me!" if he was looking at kiddie porn isnt it a pitty the cop didnt have an Elephant gun ;)
Anyone with kiddies porn on their PC should get at least 5 years prison sentence. And put on the sex offenders list for 10 years.
I hadn't heard that child porn story. Where did it come from? Is it as relaiable as the Brazilian plumber being "definitely a terrorist" "ran away from the police into the station" "jumped over the ticket barrier" "wearing a bulky coat that could have concealed a bomb" stories we heard before that turned out to be lies?

I now only wait to hear that "The CCTV tapes were not running so there's no evidence of what happened"
well, he was arrested for it and questioned over it so well just have to wait and see what happens. Or we could just jump to conclusions about it
Thermo said:
I may be wrong, but it sounds like the usual police 'deferring attention tactics' to me!

well you may be but whatever they say youll never be happy unless someones hung out to dry. No bias at all


trouble is, history tells us that these 'stories' are usually just that!...and the police are never prosecuted...

I'll be happy if the truth comes out - but that'll never happen unless there is true independant inquiries!

So I'm sorry if you think justice is boring, but I don't!!

I hadn't heard that child p**n story. Where did it come from? Is it as relaiable as the Brazilian plumber being "definitely a terrorist" "ran away from the police into the station" "jumped over the ticket barrier" "wearing a bulky coat that could have concealed a bomb" stories we heard before that turned out to be lies?

I now only wait to hear that "The CCTV tapes were not running so there's no evidence of what happened"

Quite so..
Well i trust the police 100% the British police that is. I've seen enough of foreigen police, not to trust them, eg docs on tv.
What about the Brazilian police that take street kids off in vans and shoot them? I suppose that's OK though cuz they aint Brits? It's laughable that the family of the Brazilian are over here seeking justice (or compensation).
Do you mean you think that's OK, Joe? and that therefore ours are no worse than theirs, so no prob?

Or what DO you mean?
JohnD said:
Do you mean you think that's OK, Joe? and that therefore ours are no worse than theirs, so no prob?

Or what DO you mean?

I mean what I said.
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