Prepare the stockpiles and lorry parks

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Backtracking is palpable. Score points - I wish it was so trivial. Brexiteers just cannot face truths.

It's only crap to you because you either are too dumb to understand it or simply don't want to accept it.

You can post as many acronyms on subjects you have knowledge BUT I WONT ACT LIKE A FOOL THINKING I KNOW BETTER because I would take it as an opportunity to learn. You talk about the economic impact of Brexit from a position having absolutely no clue then you complain when people point this out.

Go home little snowflake. Mr Anti-Uk.

You'll be right moody handful when you hit puberty won't you.
Sometimes? You come across as a pompous arrogant arsehole, 2nd only to himmy. How do you think I posted it? I'm not pounding away all day on here, only came in to get more drinks. Chin chin .

Slow down on that drink He's only joking
Well, I don't now, do I?
They've stopped sending me an electoral roll for some reason.

As an expat you have the right to vote for 15 years after leaving the UK. But you know that.

You were claiming to live in Hampshire up until the referendum vote and changed your country of residency in 2017. Did you vote knowing you were leaving the UK for Portugal or once you had arrived there?

I'm sure you voted because you wouldn't be the sort bloke that moans about the way a vote went when you couldn't be bothered to yourself.

to some far off boring 5hithole.
Disgraceful comment.

Back when it last rained in the UK I bumped into a well tanned older man in the checkout queue of our local supermarket. I asked if he had come here for the rain. Seems he had returned to the UK and was living with his daughter because he couldn't get the health care he needed in Portugal.

Thetford. Not too far from me is full of Portuguese(and the odd Brazilian) because they can't get work in Portugal.

Portugal has a really bad drugs problem and high crime rate.So bad that they have had to decriminalise possession of drugs for personal use. We think we have a bad drugs/crime problem in the UK. Ask a Portuguese expat what they think.

You spend an awful lot of time on British forums. Then again. Perhaps you would be a bored old man in paradise.

Given the above I think it's reasonable to think you have bu99ered off to some far off boring 5hithole.

Typical blind jingoistic chauvinism. Trump would be proud of you

Why would Trump be proud of me? I'm British not a Yank.


2nd Edit: Actually I think you lived in Dorset not Hampshire.
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they have had to decriminalise possession of drugs for personal use.

Do you mean "drugs" for example Heroin, which is less addictive and kills fewer people than cigarettes?

And do you mean for example "cannabis" which causes less crime than lager?

Prohibition was tried in the US, and was a fantastic way of increasing the profits, turnover and growth of organised crime, but brought few other benefits. For alcohol, and for drugs.

What effect do you think decriminalisation had on organised crime, and small-time burglary, in Portugal?

And on overdoses and HIV infection rates?

Did the rates go up to epidemic proportions during Prohibition?

Did they come down after decriminalisation?
What if anything does that have to do with my post?

Do you wish to deny someone who has reached retirement age and stayed in this country the right to vote?
What effect do you think decriminalisation had on organised crime, and small-time burglary, in Portugal?

And on overdoses and HIV infection rates?

Did the rates go up to epidemic proportions during Prohibition?

Did they come down after decriminalisation?

To the horror of the more conservative members, the answers are:

- went down

- went down

- Yes

- Yes
As an expat you have the right to vote for 15 years after leaving the UK. But you know that.
I didn't vote (in general or local elections) when I was there because of the futility of it - Staunch Conservative constituency.

You were claiming to live in Hampshire up until the referendum vote and changed your country of residency in 2017.
I see you have corrected the mistake. I always stated Dorset and never changed.
I didn't have to change the country; I thought it honest to do it.

Did you vote knowing you were leaving the UK for Portugal or once you had arrived there?
I was already here and voted to remain.
I don't understand expats living in Spain who voted to leave (seen on TV).

I'm sure you voted because you wouldn't be the sort bloke that moans about the way a vote went when you couldn't be bothered to yourself.
I disagree. Being unable to change the outcome in safe constituencies is no bar to complaining about other people's stupidity.

Is your link supposed to be proof of the mantra that the UK is the best place in the world?

The rest of your rant has been adequately covered by others.
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