Profile Comments !

26 Jun 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
A lot of people post questions on my profile even though I have posted my own request that they email me instead.

The problem is that I cannot see any way for me to delete them.

How do I do it?

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Other idea: just answer them in your profile (as comment) and create your very own Q&A's !
If you edit your profile you will see a Comments tab, if you click on that you can remove comments if you wish - Click here.
Right thanks! Obviously I expected to find the edit/delete button on the comments page but i think that I can understand why its not.

To Woody,

I dont see any reason to have a second line of Q & A just on my profile.

If the OP wants to make it public, as on my profile, then why not do it in the searchable main site?

If the OP wants to make it private then email me.

But not on my profile please, either public or private email.

I thought the "comments" was going to be an opportunity for nupties to post rude comments. Oddly that does not happen.

My conclusion is that the nupties want to be SEEN making rude comments publically!

Next task is to purge the comments file!


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Jade Goody recently became famous by dying of cancer!

She also made a lot of money out of that as well.

But if she had any choice I doubt she would have taken that route!

Now that's a turn of the books. Are you always so morbid when someone makes a suggestion?