Sara Rothbotham

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Is the social /health worker who repeatedly reported cases of sexual abuse by gangs of asian men in Rochdale to the police & other authorities.

She was constantly ignored .

Over 300.000 people (?) have signed an on line petition for her to be given an award or recieve recognition for what she did or tried to do.

Thanks to her efforts these gangs were exposed & jailed
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I agree especially since there are so many PC cowards in this country with their heads in the sand that actively work against people standing up for what is right.
I agree especially since there are so many PC cowards in this country with their heads in the sand that actively work against people standing up for what is right.

you think those thuggish Northern cops were being PC?
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I think judy's been down the pub with his mates.
you think those thuggish Northern cops were being PC?

call it what u will PC if u want , but the fact is the fear or concern/worry of being accused of racism was a factor in there's & others decision.

some of the defendants in the case played the race card in the dock ;)

90% of sexual assaults are carried out by white males ,lone wolf sexual predators (for want of a better description) were the race card cannot be played ;)

90% (may be more ) of organised , gang sexual assaults are carried out by asian's ;)

source for the above was BBC.

Dispute the figures take it up with them
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