Self employed vs PAYE

on payee u get too tired and fedup,by weekend,to want to work at weekend,plus its greedy,and takes away the work of guys out there on there own.
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thanks expertgasman,

woody - thats what i hope to do, might finally have some money and some time off!

Breadnbutter are you serious???? your saying i shouldnt do weekend work as i have a job, I should leave it for the S/E ? seriously??? its not greed , its called being motivated and needing to pay a mortgage ! good luck to you!!
If you go on the books and PAYE, probably the best thing is, you can pick and choose which jobs to do at weekends etc. Awkward customers , cease to be a problem as you just tell them no no no. Want a weekend off? No problem, just stay in bed. ;) ;) ;) ;)
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thanks expertgasman,

woody - thats what i hope to do, might finally have some money and some time off!

Breadnbutter are you serious???? your saying i shouldnt do weekend work as i have a job, I should leave it for the S/E ? seriously??? its not greed , its called being motivated and needing to pay a mortgage ! good luck to you!!

did not say u cant anything,just saying its greed if u got enough after five days work, u should chill and enjoy weekend,if u need to work more to survive, fairenough,but consider the soletrader ,who needs that work also
in these hard times.