For anyone considering the small claims route.......unless it is a large amount............Is £5000 considered large?

Much better way is to nail the people on their internet advertising -re reviews.....................Have done. Takes a long time for people to notice!

However-- if you do go to small claims - please make sure you have absolutely everything in order-- emails/ texts. telephone converstations/ dates-- photo evidence and videos...............Have got all that.

The path is a long one- andit can scar a claimant. So- if you do not have a strong constitution--dont go there .

Have been thinking about this route for a few months now and might just go for it. But where to start? Am in Scotland now.

Scotland may be a bit different. You can check on line .
£5000 is the top limit here in England.
Best to keep it a little under that.
BUT_ over I think 6/700££ ish- if the scrotes who you get judgement over default on a payment- you can get a high court order and send the bailiffs in and they (bailiffs) add their costs on to the scrotes bill. :) .

If you dont take action you may regret it for the rest of your life. It gnaws away at you.

However- you MUST make sure you have a good case-- and PROOF.Like I said in my post.

We got judgement- but really we dont care about the money at all. It was only £325 withouut other things.
We just wanted justice and to nail the trats.

Even on the way out of court-- the scrote said'' you will get ferkall money from us'.

No big deal- next week- we submit our other well documented info to the Tax fraud office..

Check up on Scots small claims- it wont be much different .

I always believe in hurting them where it hurts most . They deserve it for the hassle and crap they caused us.

pps-- I forgot, Get the name and addy of the person you want to hang . Look their address up on line - get details who owns their property thing.
You may be surprised.
Look at companies house- pop their name in and search.
get as much shirt as you can on them.
Internet advertising ? - search the turd out- and do a review on EVERY site you see them on. Whatever you do- DONT Lie.

If you go to court- dress respectable-- make a effort . It counts . (Old tart who we took there looked like a Bag lady).

DO NOT underestimate the judges -- usually a district judge . He will have read each sides paperwork maybe 30 mins before you go into the room.
Trust me-- they will have made his/her mind up before you enter the room just off the paperwork.
They are bright as buttons-- and dont dilly dally and never swerve off the facts. They get right to the point and deal in facts facts facts.

It is all judged on the 'balance of probabilities' --that means all he has to do is say who he thinks is more likely to be telling the truth --simple as that. That's why I say- get everything in order .
If you are right in what you say and you can prove it or - the accused cant prove anything-- you will come out of the court with a big smile on your face --I promise .

Go for it .
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All very tedious Peter, I am sure I speak for most on here when I say we couldn't give a t0ss.

However, your story about running from the Yanks, fighting extradition in the criminal courts, and actually winning would be a real crowd pleaser!

I want to know what happened. What did you do? How do you sleep at night? When you cross a border do you look down and see a pile of turd on the floor cos you crapped yerself that you are on the database they are just about to put your name in?

Stop boring us with the trivial stuff. We are sitting comfortably, so begin !
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