So who are you going to vote for?

So who are you going to vote for?

  • Labour

  • Conservative

  • Lib Dems

  • Greens

  • SNP

  • Plaid Cymru

  • Brexit

  • Others (please state)

  • None of the above!

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
About two weeks to go, so have you made you mind up yet?

Who are you going to vote for?

I'll start the ball rolling and say that (with a nose firmly pinched) I'll probably have to vote Labour in the hope that the tory candidate doesn't get in...

I might add that I would vote differently if we had a democratic PR electoral system!
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I was toying with Lib dem, but my main priority is to keep the Tories out too and the LD candidate is known to me and she is a right arrogant cow, so Labour at the moment
Same here, Lab to try my best to kick out the Tories. If for no other reason than they've fu**ed the NHS.

I actually like our local Tory MP, as he seems a (relatively) ok chap and tries his best for the little guy. But I just can't vote for them as a whole!
Labour. Because Boris is a **** and conservative austerity hasn’t worked.
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Labour. Because Boris is a **** and conservative austerity hasn’t worked.
seconded (y)

couldnt have put it better myself :D

Brexit will dominate politics and dictate economy so manifesto pledges are just meaningless.
We need more austerity to eliminate budget deficits. Brexit is just coming in at the right time.
And force people to stop living beyond their means once and for all.
We need more austerity to eliminate budget deficits. Brexit is just coming in at the right time.
And force people to stop living beyond their means once and for all.


If never heard such dung in all my life

you arent serious -its just a troll post
We need more austerity to eliminate budget deficits.

Or perhaps we should make tax-dodging multinationals and billionaires pay their fair share.

Would you be surprised that there is a lot of public support for such a thing?
We need more austerity to eliminate budget deficits. Brexit is just coming in at the right time.
And force people to stop living beyond their means once and for all.
Good point.Notchy would like to make being a billionaire a hangable offence,rob milliionares of all dosh except £5 /week pocket money,make min wage £40/hour.5 years maternity/paternity leave on double pay.20 hour week.sick pay for life if you so much as have a sniffle.Voting Labour...freeking stark raving barking at the moon mad.
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Have to back Boris to destroy Corbyn and get Brexit begun.
As for the NHS, - since when did the Labour Party do a lot to help it? Tony Blair and his party had a long time in power.
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