structural engineers?

13 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom

I'm a structural engineer with about 3 post grad years under my belt. I am not chartered yet.
Just wondering if there are any SEs that can tell me what i'm allowed and not allowed to do legally regarding design inspections etc?
any help on this would be appreciated
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amwc said:

Just wondering if there are any SEs that can tell me what i'm allowed and not allowed to do legally regarding design inspections etc?
any help on this would be appreciated

dunno about legalities, but you could be pretty useful on this forum. :LOL:
I'm a year behind you on the experience front, and God knows should be doing alot more on CPD than I am!

What do you mean by design inspections? Do you mean inspecting properties/structural works and reporting on the results or do you mean carrying out design work or both?

As far as I know, as long as you're not misleading anybody as to your qualifications (i.e. you're not claiming to be officially affiliated to IStructE or ICE when you're not entitled to) then you can do pretty much anything you want. It's not like the US system where you have to be licensed.

The big thing is indemnity insurance. If you're not chartered nobody will insure you. If you make a bad recommendation/design and it costs somebody money, you could be personally liable (financially).

An area I know nothing about is building warrants/insurances. I would think that there might be a requirement to provide the credentials of a designer - someone else might know better.

I know there's a clause in my employment contract which forbids me from doing any work of the sort the company would normally do, without consulting one of the directors first. This is another thing to look out for.

Who's your mentor (FIstructE or MIStructE)? They could probably answer all this for you.

The major thing to think of is personal liability. If you design something, it falls down and kills someone, you could then end up in the dock on a manslaughter charge. Not being chartered would probably count against you big time, as you should know better and have your work checked.

That's the officaldom of it anyway.

Jobs on the side always have and always will go on. It's up to you to decide on the risk involved. Legally however, I don't think there's anything to stop you.

Right, I think I'll go and note this down as half an hour's CPD - discussing the legalities and responsibilities of the profession :)
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amwc said:

I'm a structural engineer with about 3 post grad years under my belt. I am not chartered yet.
Just wondering if there are any SEs that can tell me what i'm allowed and not allowed to do legally regarding design inspections etc?
any help on this would be appreciated

shouldnt you know, or know where to ask to find out???? :confused:
What kind of company do you work for (consultancy/fabricator/design & build etc.)?

I'm with a small consultancy with 2 chartered (FIstructE), 2 graduates a technician and one older chap with lots of experience but no professional memberships. I luckily get alot of variety from historical restoration to new build steel structures and connections with a bit of everything in between. Both directors are very committed to developing staff so we all get involved in the way the business works etc.

I'm just interested in hearing other people's experiences.
Balenza said:
amwc wrote

I'm a structural engineer

Ever came across peri structures before ?.

You don't want a Structural Engineer Balenza, you want a Civil Engineer (no more jokes required on that one I think). For stuff like that you do need a pro to look it over. You could go and buy the British standards yourself and try to fumble your way through, but it'll cost a few hundred quid just to get copies of the standards!

Thermo said:
amwc said:

I'm a structural engineer with about 3 post grad years under my belt. I am not chartered yet.
Just wondering if there are any SEs that can tell me what i'm allowed and not allowed to do legally regarding design inspections etc?
any help on this would be appreciated

shouldnt you know, or know where to ask to find out????

Probably yes, but unfortunately not all companies are very well equipped (or willing) to help us emerging Engineers. Something like this I get drilled into me every time I pass something on for checking. I doubt everywhere is so accommodating/helpful.
Ossy said:
The big thing is indemnity insurance. If you're not chartered nobody will insure you. If you make a bad recommendation/design and it costs somebody money, you could be personally liable (financially).

It may be possible to write something into a service contract that you get the owner to sign, limiting your total liability to an acceptable level, say 10 times the fee payable and "self insure".

Would imagine it has its pro's and con's......

Sounds like i'm in a similar type of place as you are with a few more technicians. But developement is slow as i don't move on to something new until i've mastered the previous topic. i've covered all the basics now though. one of the problems i have where i am is not getting onto site enough so all my experience is office based.


Sorry, i design loads of retaining walls but don't really get into the construction of them. more and more were getting into the pre fabricated block style ret. walls such as stepoc or acheson-glover.
The site experience can be a problem - not everyone can get a secondment as site engineer.

It is possible with IStructE however for your site time to be cumulative as long as you keep good records of it. Every time I go out on site to inspect a property or measure up for a design, that gets booked down as half a day :)

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