Tanker drivers, overpaid or what.!

Why are people on the minimum wage work-shy? I know many honest and hard working people that would be classed as 'poor'. The so-called 'poor' workers at least provide their labour and you can see what they've done - all you do is consult a 'steel book' or put a few numbers in a computer program. What makes you think that you are so special (other than you belong to a price-fixing cartel)?
Most of the posters in this site work for less than £200 per day self employed and way below that if they have an employer - so they are the work-shy poor I guess?

Pathetic, that's you.
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You know, I'd have (slightly) more respect for you if your ire was raised by the fact that a western-hating Muslim cleric is allowed to spout his polemical diatribe and effectively goes free, at the taxpayer's expense, on the same day that four UK soldiers, one of them female, get whacked by the Taleban, due principally to the lack of adequate kit, because the same gobmint that's allowed that ****forbrains to stay here won't give the armed forces the money to protect themselves whilst doing the gobmint's bidding.

But no, for some reason, you keep on and on like a f*cking dog with a f*cking bone about what SEs charge. I couldn't give a flying f*ck if you think what my company charges me out at is not to your liking, so don't expect me to reduce it, to whatever levels you consider to be acceptable, any time soon.

No, those getting paid £100-200/day are not poor. Poor is living on the breadline, with barely enough to feed or clothe oneself - down at handouts level. I have a daughter like that. She's workshy, won't come off the "sosh", as it isn't to her financial benefit. She's not atypical: there are hundreds of thousands of them out there and I don't see why those kind of apparently poor people should be given more.

As for doing a job and not getting paid enough, go and do something else, find another one, if you want more money. Go to college, get some qualifications, there's plenty of opportunity to do them. Got a mortgage and kids, money's tight? Yeh, well so had I and so was mine when I did my quals, but I wanted it enough to get off my arse and work for it - and take six years of reduced pay to give me the time off to do my studying. So don't expect any sympathy from me, saying it's hard, there's too many distractions, calls on your time. It can be done, but it's you that has to do it, not wait for a handout from someone else.

I wanted more dosh, so I went and did something about it, rather than sitting there moaning that it was unfair that someone earned more than me, and pretending to dress up the percieved unfairness of it all from some supposedly philanthropic viewpoint, when the simple fact of the matter is, you can't bear the thought that I can and do, invoice for my time at £90/hr, notwithstanding that, if you take your car in for a service, you will find much the same rate, for some grease-monkey to play around with a laptop and adjust your engine management system.
The more you post the more empathy I have with your daughter. It must have been hell living with a monster.
The only empathy you have is with the theoretical concept of communism.
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No I'm no communist, but I believe in a society that is fair and treats people sympathetically whereas you would rather steam -roller them to bend them to your will. You are a typical squaddie who is upset that he was in the army and never got the chance to shoot somebody. Never mind eh?
Wrong. As ever. What people do afaiac is up to them, just so long as they don't come expecting handouts for being lazy ****es. Ditto what other people earn: they earn more than me, so what? They earn less than me, so what as well? It's nothing to do with me, is not my concern, any more than what SEs charge is any concern of yours, or what you choose to sell you refurbs for is any concern of mine.
It should be though when a price fixing cartel is in operation. One day the government will have to tackle it.
A cartel, by definition, requires those who are in it to discuss amongst themselves and agree the prices that they will charge. There are no such discussions that take place twixt SEs (if anything, the reverse is true and one SE can't wait to cut the rug from under another's in a fee bid); nor does their professional institution give any guidance in that regard. It's a totally free market, just as Maggie intended. The fact that none of us are particularly cheap to use is down to the fact that (belatedly) we have realised our worth.

Go bang your drum at someone else's door.
Because the cartel place restrictions on numbers allowed in- as do the Law Society. A trading bloc - a cartel.
When the poor get off their a**es and stop expecting handouts, then I'll have some more sympathy for their plight

A little harsh methinks.

I know people who have little or no skills and are not academic (struggle to read the paper) but work their nuts off on minimum wage to keep a house and family together and they wouldn't want your charity or your sympathy.

Have a go at the spongers who have never done a days work and never intend to by all means, but to disdainfully write off all low earners in a lord of the manor attitude is quite wrong, and it surprises me having read a lot of your posts. Shame.
He charges £720 per day +£300 for travelling.

Wouldn't you like to get paid £300 to go to work every morning?
A little harsh methinks.

I know people who have little or no skills and are not academic (struggle to read the paper) but work their nuts off on minimum wage to keep a house and family together and they wouldn't want your charity or your sympathy.

Have a go at the spongers who have never done a days work and never intend to by all means, but to disdainfully write off all low earners in a lord of the manor attitude is quite wrong, and it surprises me having read a lot of your posts. Shame.
You're right of course and I should not have fallen into the Joe mode of painting everything and everyone with a broad brush. :oops:
I must agree with joe and bilious on this one
Not everyone who earns less than £200 a DAY is workshy!
My husband works nights and if he didnt do overtime would bring home less than £200 per WEEK
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