The Police want you to GRASS others

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blimey turning into a stalinist state

big brother and all that caper

we already have community fruit cakes , generally duffers in there day glow jackets and there speed cameras

plod stopping speeding drivers that have children at hand to tell the driver off (maos china) , be it that there own parents are probably culprits

than you have all the other busy body , nosey fruit cakes and curtain twitchers dobbing some one in for some nonsense

the single mother who normally walks home with one bag of shopping all of a sudden has two bags of shopping

alarm bells ring for mr & Mrs nosy parker :ROFLMAO:

park out side some ones house and they are wanting to know who you are , what are you doing ect ect

how about mind yer own kin bussiness and go and do one :ROFLMAO:

or there is some fruit cake residence association chair person , telling you you cannot back into a parking space as the exhaust fumes kill the hedge :ROFLMAO:
Than you have these people who are referred to as community leaders :confused:

who are they o_O

down our way we all had a leaflet through the door from a " community friend" you supposedly ring her up with your problems o_O

such as ??? dunno , erectile dysfunction :idea::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Old news.

The Express (and TBF many others) rehash news that is stale and often have click bait stories like "One driver's hack for clearing the windscreen quickly" which turned out to be using the heater.....
That video death defying what a stupid mother ****er of a driver

We went to India about 10/12 years ago on a touring trip. Coaches were almost brand new and drivers very careful bar one.
That driver drove dangerously and my husband had a quiet word with him and his assitance they laughed it off
and then someone else had a word and the lol and told them "its normal" - then my husband had enough of it
and told the driver to pull over and driver eventually did and my husband warded him that he'd kick his teeth into the back of his neck
if he drives anything close to that and when my husband finished saying what he wanted to say he let go of the driver's neck. Did the trick.

We reported the driver and the tour guide with us to their office and they sacked the driver, the asstanint to the driver but not the tour guide
as he was a member of the family.
Old news.

The Express (and TBF many others) rehash news that is stale and often have click bait stories like "One driver's hack for clearing the windscreen quickly" which turned out to be using the heater.....
True, all papers do it.

The good thing is certain police forces make it very easy for anyone to send their dashcam footage of dangerous drivers in and they will almost always contact the offenders and often fine etc as most stick their hands up as guilty.
N Wales have always been keen on using dash cam footage.

It's an easy cop. No hard footwork, lengthy investigation, etc.....
North Wales Police are still struggling to shake off the damage Richard Brunstrom did.

What they don't say, is if the motorist being filmed enters a not guilty plea, you will need to attend the magistrates court as a witness. The video footage on its own wont be enough.
I likes nothing better than to sit down with a copper & ask them "I know who's doing what in my community, how comes you don't".

I don't know what planet some of you lot live on. It certainly isn't this 3rd rock from the Sun.
Too many donuts at "Blue Light discount" prices. Keeps the brain soft.
Whenever you're invited to attend a police station, ignore it.
They want a chit chat?
Slam the door on their nose.
Wanna ask a few questions?
Tell them that your answer is f#ck off to all of them, unless they arrest you and let you seek legal advice.
They'll run away from you faster than the speed of light, looking for an easier pray.
In recent years I found that if you act as a criminal, police will respect you and avoid crossing your path.
You act as a decent human being and they'll fist you until you bleed from your teeth.
Whenever you're invited to attend a police station, ignore it.
They want a chit chat?
Slam the door on their nose.
Wanna ask a few questions?
Tell them that your answer is f#ck off to all of them, unless they arrest you and let you seek legal advice.
They'll run away from you faster than the speed of light, looking for an easier pray.
In recent years I found that if you act as a criminal, police will respect you and avoid crossing your path.
You act as a decent human being and they'll fist you until you bleed from your teeth.

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