The Truth is Out There

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
The UK is home to millions more conspiracy theorists than most people realise, with almost a quarter of the population believing Covid-19 was probably or definitely a hoax, polling has revealed.

About a third of the population are convinced that the cost of living crisis is a government plot to control the public, and similar numbers think “15-minute cities” – an attempt to increase walking in neighbourhoods – are a government surveillance ruse, and that the “great replacement theory” – the idea that white people are being replaced by non-white immigrants – is happening.

Nineteen per cent of people in the survey said it was true or probably true that “the UK government carried out the 2005 attacks on the underground in London to encourage support for war in the Middle East”, and 18% said it was definitely or probably true that “the Manchester Arena attack involved ‘crisis actors’ who pretended to be injured or killed – people weren’t really killed or injured”.

Three out of 10 people thought the “Great Reset” initiative announced by the World Economic Forum in 2020 was a conspiracy to impose a totalitarian world government. Between a fifth and a quarter of people – 8 million to 10 million adults – said they would protest against the introduction of central bank digital currencies, a “deep state” of military, intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate government policy, “15-minute cities” and against vaccines.

One in seven people – about 6 million adults – believe violence is a fair response to some alleged conspiracies.


The really scary thing is the possibility Gant might be right about one of them...o_O
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I think this research has been published to make anybody with an alternative view to "the truth" seem like weird outcasts.

Of those listed, the 7/7 attacks do seem very plausible 'false flag' attacks. I can't call it as I don't know enough about it, but there are countless examples of wartime and peacetime 'incidents' later shown to be staged for one reason or another. To offer an alternative view to the official government view shouldn't be discouraged. What should be encouraged is independent research.

However, if you know little to nothing about an incident or event, it's absolutely fine to say "I don't know what to think about xxx, because I don't know enough about it".
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Covid was certainly a period when headless chickens ruled the roost and logic went out of the window.
Think Ferguson set the ball rolling there with how many deaths could be expected.
We all know what goes out of the window when there's a war on.
Despite this uncertainty of what is the actual reality there are those who nail their colours to masts with an unshakeable certainty.
I think it's healthy, and one of the benefits of living in a democracy, to question things. And pleeeease, no coming back at me with 'what democracy?' ;) Only a fool would blindly follow and accept every single thing they're told as being 100% fact. However the flip side is also true i.e. only a fool would assert almost everything we're told is not true.

I don't know all the fancy words, however I think it's reasonable to assume we as a society are being controlled in various ways, either directly or indirectly. This has to happen for a society to function correctly. It's also reasonable to assume ... note I'm not saying it's right ... that our social structure and economic model is designed in such a way to maintain the rich-poor divide. The bullsh1t we're fed about everyone should strive to do better, climb whatever ladder etc is exactly that, bullsh1t. Society would be in chaos if literally every single person strove to do better and wasn't content with their lot.

When it comes to the topic, I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume the masses are on occasion lied to, whether in the interests of national security or simply to keep the masses in check.
Covid wasn’t a hoax, I’ve never said it was. It was massively overplayed and still is being.

Ive had Covid and don’t fancy it again. But I’ve had a lot worse.

A lockdown was the worst thing to do, then let us all out and encourage us to eat out cheaply. The plastic screen and masks worked though.

People who chose not to take the jab have been ostracised. But they seem to be the ones who get Covid.
I’ve said this before, but a lot of people only took the first 2 jabs for a holiday.

That shows how easily people will eat up the propaganda.
Sadly no-one/nothing is immune from this.

The Nottingham incident today is being called a hoax in some places. Blamed on a diversion tactic for the covid enquiry, hyping up the migrant crisis and, I kid you not, "Could be an incident created by a microwave weapon. It can make a person behave in any shape they liked". Utter madness...
Than of course there are the conspiracy fruit cakes in here Peddeling the

“ Russians have taken over the UK”

Conspiracy twaddle

Yes exactly :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Sadly no-one/nothing is immune from this.

The Nottingham incident today is being called a hoax in some places. Blamed on a diversion tactic for the covid enquiry, hyping up the migrant crisis and, I kid you not, "Could be an incident created by a microwave weapon. It can make a person behave in any shape they liked". Utter madness...
Where’s that ****** from ?

A bit poor taste imho posting that.
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