This was kept quiet!

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I reckon he introduced that one to get back at 2 jags Prescott. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
:rolleyes: ..wasnt that quiet Bahco,...the Sun had vouchers in for free pies from morrisons with the headline "who V.A.T. all the pies .
Now let me be clear. I DON'T READ OR BUY THE MAIL. exception, this once.

Why at the bottom after all negative comments (this 'newspaper' supports the Tories through thick&thin? right?) does it have no further comments?'

Do ya think Mr Osbourne has got the message?

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Been out since the budget.

Absolutely another tax on the working man.
Typical of this goverment maybe in the future all of are pasties will be made in china. i can just imagine buying a ginsters with product of p.r.c. on the packet!
I thought takeaway hot food had been VATable for years?
So just to be clear here - if i buy a cold pie from the fridge at my local butchers, it comes VAT free, but if he asks me if I want it sticking in the microwave so i can eat it now, it'll cost me 20% extra??

And how exactly will his accountants know if he's sold me the pie hot or cold? And what relationship does the temperature of food have to do with its VAT rating? Is there a ruling at what temperature food becomes 'hot'.

Am I the only one who doesn't understand this at all??
The change brings us into line with EU directives.

Of course with Mr veto Cameron and Euroscepticism Osborne, that must be pure coincidence surely?
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