Uninterested parties

Thought I'd bump this up with a suggestion of having a "read it" button near the thanks one. There have been several posts which I have referred back to, which have become reasonably dormant (maybe after a day or so) and so don't need bumping up. I would like to indicate to someone that I have read their reply (so that they would be aware that it had been read should they skim back out of curiousity), even though it doesn't warrant a "thanks".
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If you're ever considering answering a post by FrankE I wouldn't bother. He has a habit of asking a question and hardly ever seems to return to it, and hardly ever said thank you to anyone.

Is this on your clipboard still? Ready to paste into any post?

Your like a bro-bro-bro-broken recor-or-or-ord
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The 'email' idea I'm not sure about. A lot of people have multiple email accounts and use certain ones that they hardly ever visit to sign up to forums. So I don't see how that would solve the problem. I think dex's idea of flagging them has some merit but again, there's nothing to stop them rejoining under a different name and email address.

Perhaps a polite little message could be attached to the first 10 or so answers/replies asking the recipient to reply and inform members of the outcome of their original question/post. Whether or not the problem was solved, a polite reply stating the outcome helps us all to learn.
Can i play devil's advocate here... and suggest you lot are taking this all a bit too personally? This is a free forum on the internet... after all. The lawless, ruleless font of all porn and knowledge....

You lot are here for (well usually) a very valid purpose which is to help people....but in a way, these questions might be seen as kind of generic.... and so placed there to help anyone who may come along and Control F the questions....

If people don't come back, then why should they? you don't know their circumstances.... they might have died in the meantime...

This place has become a bit of a social club to some of us/you.... but to others.... you're just like any electronic gadget these days... i mean, do you thank your satnav when you get to your destination?

Just a thought?
No, people who don't say thanks are just lazy and selfish and don't deserve the help in the first place. They can be forgiven if they've died though! :LOL:
No, people who don't say thanks are just lazy and selfish and don't deserve the help in the first place. They can be forgiven if they've died though! :LOL:

Oh come on.... have you not seen how 'normal' society has deteriorated? even old people don't say thanks if you hold a door open for them these days.... and you want the internet to be sociable 'proper'?

A friendly suggestion.... don't get worked up about things we can't change, and don't really matter... but let's get together, and get worked up about the real issues that matter in this country...

Not getting worked up, that's why there was a big smiley in there. As you say its just more of the slippery slope, doesn't mean you should just let everything slide though does it? There is nothing whatsoever discussed in the General Discussion section that will have any meaningful impact on society, all-sorts gets 'discussed' though, tis all just part of the forum.
A friendly suggestion.... don't get worked up about things we can't change, and don't really matter... but let's get together, and get worked up about the real issues that matter in this country... :)
You are of course correct. However, I tend to think that if you can deal with little petty details like saying "thanks" or at least acknowledging that someone has made an effort to help you, then this bigger things seem to get better all by themselves. It's funny how such a micro change can have such a macro effect.

If you think about it, and I'm sure you will, then you'll appreciate the importance of it and how it all interlinks.
There is nothing whatsoever discussed in the General Discussion section that will have any meaningful impact on society.
I disagree - we may "walk" out of there and subsequently react in a different way. And, as they say, one thing leads to another.....
i did say i was playing devil's advocate... as it happens i agree with you guys.... but i have enough to get worked up over these days...

I actually like the email prompt for the first so many replies....

but life is so very short...
i did say i was playing devil's advocate... as it happens i agree with you guys.... but i have enough to get worked up over these days...

I actually like the email prompt for the first so many replies....

but life is so very short...

Which is all the more reason why we should show people how grateful we are for their time and trouble when answering our posts.

My son once asked me whilst out driving why I held my hand up or flashed to someone who had let me pass. I said it was just a way of saying thank you.
"But why, he wasn't going anywhere anyway, you had right of way."
"Right, A/ it didn't cost me anything to acknowledge what the other driver did. B/ By doing that it probably makes him feel good as a driver/person. C/ It makes me feel better."

End of conversation. :LOL:
i did say i was playing devil's advocate... as it happens i agree with you guys.... but i have enough to get worked up over these days...

I actually like the email prompt for the first so many replies....

but life is so very short...

Which is all the more reason why we should show people how grateful we are for their time and trouble when answering our posts.

My son once asked me whilst out driving why I held my hand up or flashed to someone who had let me pass. I said it was just a way of saying thank you.
"But why, he wasn't going anywhere anyway, you had right of way."

"Right, A/ it didn't cost me anything to acknowledge what the other driver did. B/ By doing that it probably makes him feel good as a driver/person. C/ It makes me feel better."

End of conversation. :LOL:

Conny... you are so right... but you have to get a grip with the level of scum that lines our society... i was brought up, like you, to open doors for others... and i even dip my headlights rather then flashing them to say thanks... but things have changed... Last Thursday, my mum (nearly 70) had her purse stolen whilst shopping in Tesco.. and it had £150 in it.... and should i expect the ...thing... that stole her purse to think they'd done a wrong..? no chance..... so i don;t expect a thank-you anymore...

so my gut response has gone from 'offering'... things like thanks or apolgy... to one of 'protection'... it's not nice... but there is no longer the respect....

We are an in between generation.... the one before us... had a complete set of respect... the next one has nothing but expectation and greed... those kids like mine, brought up in the right way... won't stand a chance in the wave of those cock sure offspring of current scum...
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