Vauxhall combo heater issues

So I done a good 30minute journey this morning. Rad hoses slightly warm but radiator cool. Temp gauge sitting at 80. ??
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With that, I'd have to suggest your thermostat is opening too soon or its stuck open. The engine temperature is 10 degrees lower than ideal.
Thermostats often have their opening temperature stamped on them somewhere.
John :)
Most likely
Euro car parts crap
I will change and see what happens
Changed the sensor and still no different.
Must be blocked up still somewhere
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Hmmm......either the heater matrix is blocked up or the cooling fan is running all of the time?
John :)
Fan isn't running
Maybe I ain't cleaned it out as well as I thought.

Not got round to it as I had to replace my EDU.
I'd already done the solder repair 3 years ago. Didn't work this time