We're going back to the moon ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... well, we're not, but somebody is!

Saw an old boy (NASA Administrator) being interviewed about it on telly this morning. When asked if he'd like to be going back he said 'We were the Apollo generation, now it's over to the Artemis generation.' Part of the reason for the project is to inform the next goal, going to Mars.

I wonder if those who assert we've never been to the moon will continue their stance come 2024, 'It's evidently been faked again ...'

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I remember Apollo 11, I was allowed to stay up to watch it but had some sort of gastroenteritis, as Neil Armstrong climbed down the ladder I was wretching in the toilet.
There is a once famous but now mostly redacted video clip of a female NASA astronaut all but practically admitting that we have not yet landed on the moon thus far . . . .

If you think that we went to the moon with 1960's technology then I'm happy for you. If your belief structures are geared towards believing everything that they tell you is fact, then I'm absolutely ecstatic that people like you exist.

I don't know anyone who still believes that we have landed on the moon.
There is a once famous but now mostly redacted video clip of a female NASA astronaut all but practically admitting that we have not yet landed on the moon thus far . . . .

If you think that we went to the moon with 1960's technology then I'm happy for you. If your belief structures are geared towards believing everything that they tell you is fact, then I'm absolutely ecstatic that people like you exist.

I don't know anyone who still believes that we have landed on the moon.
Is it bed time already, I love nice story zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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There is a once famous but now mostly redacted video clip of a female NASA astronaut all but practically admitting that we have not yet landed on the moon thus far . . . .

If you think that we went to the moon with 1960's technology then I'm happy for you. If your belief structures are geared towards believing everything that they tell you is fact, then I'm absolutely ecstatic that people like you exist.

I don't know anyone who still believes that we have landed on the moon.
I only know stupid know-it-alls who think we didn't.
if the last two years has proved anything at all, it’s that a real wired phone won’t work on the moon.
Did somebody mention spamdemic:censored:
I believe everything these days.
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if the last two years has proved anything at all, it’s that a real wired phone won’t work on the moon.
Did somebody mention spamdemic:censored:
I believe everything these days.
You should seek help. If only to ensure your children suffer no more child abuse. Do it for them boyo.
Probably going back to the moon as it may have some military purpose ????

Missile system or laser system staioned on the moon pointing at

If your belief structures are geared towards believing everything that they tell you is fact,
I personally follow the science.

I don't understand how some people, who don't believe anything they are told or can find out for themselves, come to conclusions about anything. Baffling...
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